Eldritch by Taurus Versant(Pokémon)

Latest Update:COMPLETE

Summary: There is a monster in the Alola Region. Her name is Moon and she is eleven years old.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12984902/1/Eldritch

Word count:677k


Chapter 1: First Contact

No grand fanfare awaited her arrival. No omen stars plummeting from the heavens. No rapturous cries of the Tapu, elated at the playmate that had come from on far. Fate, perhaps, moved to greet her, but if it did it did so in its usual circuitous manner, as three months ago the second child of the Aether Foundation committed the same crime as the first. But no-one knew of that.

Not yet at least.

She observed the world with bright eyes and curious intent, Kukui, lead Pokemon Professor of the Alola Region, considered. Moon of the Kanto Region – dark-skinned, brown-eyed, a chicken-combed red hat she'd donned with unquestioned seriousness covering her black hair – followed in his foot-steps along the path to Iki Town, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the Alola Region.

As far as Kukui was considered there could be no better introduction to the home that he loved. Yes, this could only be a good thing, for Moon and the Alola Region both. He grinned, feet walking the familiar path between his lab and the home of Melemele Island's Kahuna, and turned to face the girl.

"So!" His pleased exclamation drew her attention, but he could still see her eyes flicking from side to side, taking in the dense flower fields that bordered the path. A curious girl this one. "It's a little later than most your age, but you're finally receiving your first Pokemon, yeah! Excited?"

Traditionally, those who would be receiving their first Pokemon from their region's Professor did so as close to their eleventh birthday as possible. For Moon though, the timing of her and her mother's move to the Alola Region interfered, and it was decided it would be better for Moon to receive a Pokemon here than in her native Kanto. Thus the delay.

But tonight was the night and Kukui could not imagine anyone being more excited. Moon nodded, a quiet girl, her mother had told him, but very kind and caring. The report from her Pokemon School in Kanto had been similar – Moon spoke little but paid keen attention, and showed quick aptitude for studying her surroundings. She was cleared to receive her first Pokemon, and expected to do exceptionally well with it. Kukui smiled.

The evenings of Alola were vibrant things, red-gold light transforming the ocean's surface into a magmatic sea and filling the sky with that same bright fire. This was the ideal time to walk the route to Iki, in Kukui's most esteemed opinion, and he found himself more pleased than ever that it was young Moon's first introduction to the Region. Alola was truly rolling out all the stops for her. How excellent indeed.

Loud barks signalled a Pokemon's arrival, the tiny brown canine chasing a harried Yungoos out of the nearest patch of grass. Kukui laughed, his Rockruff responding to the noise by running up to him. He reached down to pet it. "The two of you will be friends for life!" He turned his attention back to Moon as he scratched just beneath the stones ringing the Pokemon's neck, earning a happy sound in response. "Just like me and Rockruff here!"

Of the litter his Lycanroc had given birth to, only this Rockruff had been kept – the rest of the puppies passed on to close friends or families Kukui knew would do well with them. Still, he hadn't been able to resist holding on to this little guy, and the two had already grown close. Raising Pokemon without a Trainer's Bond established could be a beautiful thing too.

But it still wasn't the same as the mantle Moon would soon be taking on. He was excited for her. He was excited for every trainer beginning their journey. It was no little thing.

No little thing at all.

"Oh Professor!"

"Can you teach my Pokemon a new move?"

"Can you oversee our battle?"

"Have you ever seen this Pokemon before!?"

Another essential part of Kukui's walks were greeting the young trainers that lived around Iki Town – those who'd inherited or grown up with Pokemon, and those rarer few who, by fate alone, had forged a Bond young. The rules by which Trainer's Bonds were established still weren't fully understood, but at the least it appeared a solid ninety percent of the populace could form one by the time they hit puberty.

That still didn't stop a scattering of those who could do so younger from cropping up though.

As much as he did love to lend his aid, today was special, in that he was taking a new trainer to receive their first Pokemon, and so Kukui couldn't invest the same time as he usually did. He'd give advice on good moves to learn next time. Another trainer offered to watch the battle for him. Yes he'd seen a Grubbin before but boy that was a big one!

Moon kept quiet and followed behind.

"Oh, are you that new trainer?"

Addressed directly, Moon stopped and stared, Kukui turning to keep things moving all the same. "Yup that's right!" He nodded to the inquisitive youth, "make sure to give her a big Alola Welcome, okay?" The child nodded, then moved their hands in a gesture Kukui knew well and Moon was soon to learn.


Moon ducked her head in response and moved on.

The gates of Iki Town were framed by a wooden arch, symbols venerating the Tapu painted across it, their meaning completely passing over Moon's head. Even still, as she stepped foot past them, she stopped for a moment.

Then continued on and no-one noted the occurrence.

Iki Town was filled with bustling people, preparing the foliage-dense locale with decorations for the oncoming festival. Kukui smiled to see it all. "The people of Iki know how to throw a party, yeah!" He swept an arm out to show the town off as he looked back to Moon, her eyes ever moving to see all that she could. "Tomorrow night we're having a festival to honour the Tapu, you and your mom both need to be there!" Moon spent only a moment with her eyes meeting Kukui's, but she nodded when she did, before continuing to observe. A true bastion of curiosity that one, Kukui noted.

One of the best types to embark upon a Pokemon journey.

"Now then," introduction to the town complete, Kukui considered, "where's old Hala gotten himself off to?" The Kahuna of Melemele was always making his presence known, but right now the people of Iki were just working hard and conversing amongst themselves. Things weren't bouncing. Kukui approached one of those at work. "Ho there! Have you seen the Kahuna abouts?"

An answer in the negative briefly brought about a frown – he'd definitely not forgotten to tell Hala about this, right? – before Kukui's regular smile returned. Any problem should be made into an opportunity! He turned to Moon.

"It seems the Kahuna isn't here right now, so how about we go look for him, yeah? I'll check outside the town again, if you could head up Mahalo Trail back there? You should introduce yourself to the Tapu by giving a prayer at its altar anyway!" It wasn't like Kukui had given a great many explanations on his own, Kahunas and Tapus being words that might fly right over Moon's head, but she seemed to understand perfectly, nodding and setting off. Seemed she'd read up on Alola's culture before moving here.

Kukui smiled as he set off back to the route beyond. So much the better.

Mahalo was quiet. Dense tree coverage blocked the evening's light, its filtered form giving sight but no warmth to those who walked the path. The way from Moon's home, at the edge of Hau'oli City overlooking the sea, to Iki Town had been busy, and loud. Iki Town too had that energy of people and Pokemon keeping it alive. But Mahalo was silent. It felt respectful to keep it that way.

So she did. Right up until a loud yell split the air.

Lillie had never once pretended her situation wasn't a struggle. Caring for Nebby was a difficult thing – the Pokemon was capricious in its childishness – and it was not like she had successfully established the Bonds which allowed Pokemon and trainers to think alike. She appealed to its best nature as best she could, but that never worked as well as she'd wish. The bag slung over her shoulder was presently, unfortunately, Pokemon-less.

The Pokemon in question out before her very eyes.

"Ah Nebby!"

Cosmog by species, Nebby by the name she'd given it. A small Pokemon indeed, alight with shimmering stars in its cloud-like blue and purple form. She'd been determined to protect it. To keep it safe. Yet right now she was unable to do either. Unable to do anything but call out to the Pokemon, surrounded by aggressive Spearow circling overhead. She didn't know what to do.

Footsteps were her salvation, spinning around to make eye-contact with the girl approaching. She was someone Lillie did not recognise, but at this point she would have called out to almost anyone who appeared. "Please!" She moved, just so, to show the plank and rope bridge Nebby had wandered across, before the Pokemon had drawn the ire of the territorial birds, "Save Nebby!"

That it was natural for those of Alola to help one another when in need was foreign to each of them. Lillie's isolation in her raising had kept her from the culture of those living together. Moon was from another Region entirely, where it was far more common to maintain a degree of distance out of polite respect to the business of one another. Yet in this moment, this first meeting where their eyes met, Lillie called out for aid and Moon moved to give it.

A new bond forged.

Lillie watched as this girl, with bravery that could not be questioned, rushed past her, across the bridge towards the mass of Pokemon. She heard the voice of her saviour, calling out an order for the Spearow to disperse, yet all that did was draw their attention instead. Hounded in turn, Moon moved to try and reach Nebby, pushed down to her knees by the birds flapping about her, clawed feet threatening to tear at her skin.

Lillie was panicking. She'd called out to this girl for help, but instead only succeeded in putting her at risk too. The thought of losing both the girl and Nebby due to her own failings consumed her, and she could only stare wordless as the Spearow prepared to dive.

And then there was the light she knew, the power of Cosmog, and for a brief moment she felt hope. Nebby had saved her once. It would save this girl too.

The bridge gave way.

The low, then high, of seeing the girl at threat and then Nebby's light appear, poised Lillie to feel a new level of despair, watching this girl plummeting down, the river and rocks far below promising the worst. She yelled out, screamed, and the noise of it in her ears drowned out the other cry that went up. The voice that accompanied the yellow surge diving from above.

The flash of electricity, the stream of bright light, it silenced Lillie's cries as a new Pokemon appeared before her. One she knew well, its body black with wild orange spiking hair and huge yellow shells upon its arms, despite never having seen before.

Tapu Koko, guardian deity of Melemele Island, placed Moon – holding Nebby tight to her chest – on the ground before Lillie. She stared. The deity stared back. So close that she could touch it. A living legend.

It moved. A hand reached out towards Lillie, who recoiled, then past her. Moon, sitting on the ground, staring at this Pokemon that felt like a thunder-crack in the dead of night, saw in its hand something that shone. Reached out to it, her other arm still holding onto the Pokemon she had saved. For a moment, the two made contact.

Then, as Moon's fingers curled around the warm stone she had been handed, the Pokemon floated back, cried out with a voice that shook the treetops, and disappeared into the darkening evening sky in a blur of electrical force. Silence left in its wake.

The two girls stared.

"Oh!" Lillie was the first to react, turning around and kneeling down before Moon, "Are you hurt? You almost- I'm so sorry you were just trying to help Nebby and- ohh Nebby you almost caused so much trouble!" Moon's grip on the Pokemon only relaxed as the long blonde haired girl's fingers brushed hers, reaching out to collect the tiny being.

Little cries from the Pokemon, shamed by the tone it was being addressed in, did not mollify it to Lillie's scolding. "Oh no you don't!" She fussed about it, one hand brushing its head even as she admonished it, "You're going back in the bag! Come on, in you go!" Still on the ground, Moon watched as the alabaster-skinned girl opened the large bag she carried and guided the tiny Pokemon into it. A muted "pew..." escaped as she zipped it shut.

"Oh..." Realising the girl before her was still on the ground, Lillie extended a hand, just slightly too late as the girl in question finally pulled herself to her own feet. Her hand awkwardly left there, each stared at it momentarily, unsure of just what to do.

"Umm," Lillie faltered on the word, considering exactly what she should say in this moment, "Please, don't tell anyone about seeing Nebby tonight. It's important to keep it a secret. Okay?" Moon considered this for a moment, but nodded all the same. Lillie relaxed seeing it. "Thank you, thank you so much."

Wind over the treetops did not reach them, the denseness of the woods blocking out the gale, but the rustling of branches still reminded each that many Pokemon lurked about. Lillie looked out to the ravine. "I think it's for the best we return to Iki Town I don't..." she gestured out past Moon, who turned to observe the now missing bridge sealing the path further into Mahalo Trail, "think there's anything else we can do here tonight. Would... um, would you be willing to come back with me, in case another wild Pokemon appears?"

It wasn't like this girl had anything she could do either, but Lillie still felt safer with her by her side. The nod the girl gave showed she was amenable. Lillie breathed a sigh of relief. "Let's go."

In Iki Town Kahuna Hala had finally returned, celebration from the people at his presence a form of minor ceremony kept more in mind the closer one was to the Festival of the Tapu. Kukui greeted him, and the two looked over the trio of Pokemon that would be on offer to the two youths accepting them that night. They were well-trained, perfect starters for trainers of potential like the candidates who would be meeting them.

So neither Kukui nor Hala really thought that much about letting the three run around town, right up until each suddenly bolted in the direction of Mahalo Trail. Kukui, closer than Hala, set off after them at a run, pursuing the absconding Pokemon. What was with them? If he lost them he'd be in more trouble than ever. Racing up the path, he was unsure just what he would find.

But this still escaped his prediction.

Loud cries of Spearow echoed, determined to harass the intruders upon their territory – pride still injured by the one the Tapu had moved to save. But those lucky few to avoid Tapu Koko's interference had no salvation from the next three to arrive. A storm of cutting leaves. A stream of burning fire. A forceful jet of water. Shamed and beaten, the remnants of the flock escaped into the trees just as Kukui arrived on the scene.

Considered what was before him.

Moon and Lillie stood at the far edge of the trail, a trio of pleased Pokemon gathered before them. Lillie had a tense expression, though it relaxed as soon as she saw Kukui. "Oh, Professor!" Kukui blinked. Well this was something.

"Hey there, Lillie, everything alright?" She frowned at the question, which answered it well enough. Kukui moved up and knelt down before the starter trio. "Now just what did you three run off for, huh?"

Moon joined him, crouching before the three, and immediately they turned to face her. Kukui's raised eyebrow at the sight went uncaught by the girl before him, though Lillie a few steps back took note of it. The Professor wasn't surprised easily. Not genuinely, at least.

"Well now," he smiled, watching Moon studying the Pokemon preening before her, "it seems these three have taken a liking to you already. Old Hala's going to get a little upset at me, but I think now's as good a time as any, yeah! Why don't you pick one of them as your first partner?"

Moon's head moved rapidly, snapping from watching the Pokemon to staring at Kukui. When he nodded her eyes drifted back to the three, watching as the red cat and blue seal began a play-fight, one rolling the other over, before the green owl hopped atop them only to be batted off by each. She considered.

It was a known tradition: the Pokemon specially raised as Starters provided to trainers of significant aptitude. It was something of an investment on the part of the Pokemon Professors and associates who managed the program, providing key trainers the motivation to travel and grow, and in return gain significant research data from those trainers' adventures. Three Pokemon – a Grass-type, a Fire-type, and a Water-type – of which new trainers would choose one, and then embark upon a journey.

In most regions, the tried-and-true Gym Leader system was then put to the test by these new trainers. In Alola, things were a little different. But not so much so that the Island Challenge wouldn't make sense to a Kanto Trainer. Kukui made introductions.

"So you've got the Grass Quill Pokemon Rowlet, the Fire Cat Pokemon Litten, and the Sea Lion Pokemon Popplio. Go ahead and choose one, cousin!"

Moon considered. She had known she would be required to make a choice. Back in Kanto, she'd spent so long considering which of their starters she would take on. She hadn't come to a conclusion then. And even now...

Kukui caught her words, her whispered apology to the trio that she could not take them all. That was something to smile at – Starter Pokemon were powerful, trainers who took them on usually spent a long while with that Pokemon alone simply because they could not support more than one. Forming a Bond with all three when never having raised a Pokemon before? That wasn't a possible thing.

So he believed.

The three did seem enamoured with Moon, but ultimately it was proactiveness on one of their parts that sealed her choice, as the Rowlet jumped directly into her arms. Moon laughed at that, a hug holding the Pokemon close, as the Litten and Popplio looked disappointed. Moon apologised to them again.

"Well," Kukui smiled at the scene, "seems she made the choice for you. Shall we head back down then? The Kahuna's waiting, after all."

Moon and Lillie both nodded, following in step behind the Professor. Each kept a Pokemon held tight – Lillie making sure her bag remained closed despite the shuffling within it, Moon holding onto the partner a Trainer's Bond was being forged with in that very moment. The Litten and Popplio, despite not being chosen, continued to walk beside Moon, and Kukui found it odd to look back at her.

Yes, the sight of Moon walking along with that Pokemon in her arms, two more at her side, was strange. It wasn't the sight specifically, but rather the feeling of it. It reminded him of something. But he couldn't place what. He shook his head and continued on.

Iki Town was bustling louder than ever as Kukui, Lillie, and Moon returned, a figure approaching them as soon as he caught sight. Kahuna Hala was old by years but young in stature and spirit, large body still well built from years of hard effort. He grinned at the sight of the Pokemon in Moon's arms.

"Couldn't wait could you?" His laugh made clear the admonishment was in jest only, "I was wondering what made those three up and run off like that – you're clearly a trainer with fine potential to catch their attention from so far away!"

Kukui, standing to the side, bobbed his head by way of apology. "Sorry for skipping any ceremony, Kahuna Hala."

Hala's laugh showed his jovial nature. He shrugged. "Whether it's newly raised or one of the ancient Tapu, who can stop a Pokemon's decisions? Those three clearly wanted this new trainer to make her choice. I think that's as fine a ceremony as can be!"

The Rowlet in Moon's arms cooed softly, rhythmic strokes of its head given by the hand not cradling it. The Litten and Popplio, with Hala so close now, moved back towards him, though neither had a spring in their step.

"Well now what's with you two?" Hala's boisterous laugh mixed with his heavy hand rubbing each of their heads, the Litten giving an admonishing glare at having its fur messed up while the Popplio barked happily. Hala smiled at them. "You know there's someone else looking forward to meeting you tonight, don't you? You're not going to show him those sad faces are you?" This perked the two back up, and immediately they stood at attention, attempting the most show-offish poses they could. Smiles at that were abundant, Lillie giggling at the sight. Moon looked at her with a smile.

"So then," Hala's attention turned now to the two girls, "just what were you two up to on Mahalo Trail there? I could have sworn I heard the thunder of our Tapu."

"Oh yes!" Lillie nodded immediately, clutching her bag tighter, "Nebby got free and tried to cross the bridge at the trail, and then was attacked by Spearow! But then-" Lillie paused, turning back to look at Moon, suddenly sheepish. Moon looked at her in curiosity. "Umm, sorry, I... never actually asked your name. I'm so sorry, so many things happened all at once, but... I'm Lillie. It's nice to meet you."

Rudeness wasn't a thing Lillie was ever meant to display, so to ignore the name of her saviour for so long had mortified her. The response though was simply a gentle smile and a name given. Lillie smiled to hear it. "Moon!" She announced, happy with its sound, "Moon arrived just in time, and tried to save Nebby. When the Spearow attacked her, Nebby tried to help, but ended up breaking the bridge. That's when Tapu Koko arrived and saved them!"

Once again the impression of seeing Kukui genuinely surprised by something struck Lillie. He whistled. "Wow! Now that's something you don't hear ever day, isn't that right, Kahuna?"

Hala nodded, face a little sterner. He seemed to be deep in thought. "Our Guardians, the Tapu, are fickle creatures, little Moon; for our Tapu Koko to save you, it must have seen something special indeed. I think you and Rowlet will do well together. I am happy to have witnessed your beginnings as a new Pokemon Trainer."

Moon seemed considerate of this. Of course it had to be a lot, to hear that such a significant Pokemon had acted on her behalf. Hala would not be surprised if all the experiences had left the young girl quite shaken that night.

But he was the one to be shaken instead, as Moon shifted her hands to hold Rowlet with the other, and extend her right to show the stone Tapu Koko had given her. Kukui, for the third time, felt intense surprise.

Oh they'd really stolen one of Kanto's brightest stars from right under Professor Oak's nose, hadn't they?

"A Sparkling Stone..." Hala breathed the words, Lillie snapping to attention upon hearing them. Although she had never seen one herself, she'd read enough that it made total sense to hear that that was what it was. So Tapu Koko really had chosen Moon...

"That stone," Hala held out a hand, Moon pausing a moment before placing it in his, "I will return it to you tomorrow night, at the Festival of the Tapu. Please honour us by attending." Moon nodded. Hala smiled. Internally his thoughts whirled.

Just who was this young girl known as Moon? Someone special, no doubt at all in his mind. Kukui and he had spoken about the potential of having a Kanto Trainer perform the Island Challenge at this time. Even still, this was more than could be expected.

Who could say what would happen next?


Echoing over the treetops and through the town, a new voice sounded out. Hala turned to face it.

"Heyyyy!" Moon and Lillie looked up now, the loud and energetic cry continuing on as the youth it was emerging from finally dashed into sight, coming to a halt before them all. While the colour of his skin, eyes, and hair matched Moon's quite well, his enthusiastic smile and motion distinguished him from her so much so they looked nothing alike, bursting into movement after the moment of stillness and running over to the two.

"Hey hey Lillie! Is this the new trainer? Hey! You've got a Pokemon already! Tutu," mid-speech the boy's head whipped around to stare at the Kahuna, "weren't we meant to get them at the same time?" Hala offered little explanation, but his energetic grandson didn't bother waiting for it anyway, turning back to Moon. "Okay well just hold on one second then!"

Still standing by Hala, the Litten and Popplio jumped in surprise as Hau suddenly crouched down before them with a smile. "Alright!" His eyes switching rapidly from one to the other, Hau considered then reached out, "I choose... you!" Human whirlwind that he was, the boy was already standing before Moon with a slightly confused but mostly happy Popplio held in his arms, a wide smile on his face. "Okay!" he bounced up and down, head nodding enthusiastically as he did so, "Let's have a Pokemon Battle!"

"Hau!" Only Hala, using the same tone on his grandson that Lillie had unsuccessfully attempted to use on Nebby before, brought the boy's pace to a stop. Almost gingerly Hau looked back at the Kahuna, Moon standing there blankly before him.

"Are you really going to challenge someone to battle without giving your name? Or receiving theirs? Come now, I know I taught you that much respect!"

Despite his words, Hala still smiled as he walked over to the group, Hau turning back to the others. "Sorry, sorry," he ducked his head in apology, "I got really excited, I've been looking forward to this day forever!" When he looked back up again, he had that same wide smile. "Heya! I'm Hau, it's nice to meet you!"

The second Moon's name was past her lips, Hau's smile gained momentum as he jumped back. "Okay Moon! Let's have a Pokemon battle!"

Moon stared.

Behind the new arrival a small, cloud-like Pokemon of blue and purple played about.

"Ah! Nebby!"

Laughter from Kukui and Hala set the scene as Lillie rushed forward and gathered the Pokemon up, its complaining "pews" in no way deterring Lillie from returning it to the bag she kept it in. Hau laughed too. "Even Nebby wants to see our Pokemon Battle, isn't that right?" He turned back to Moon, smile clearly not going anywhere. "Let's go!"

"Alright, alright," a heavy hand from Hala settled on Hau's shoulder, bringing the boy's energetic rampage to a halt, "hold your fire m'boy. If you're going to do this, we have a stage set up right here." The gesture of Hala's hand drew the gathered attention of the group to the wooden platform constructed in the centre of Iki Town. "Might as well give it a testing before the festival tomorrow! What say you, young Moon, would you indulge my grandson his very first Pokemon battle? And your own, of course."

Moon's nod came quick, the Rowlet in her arms fluttering out from them and perching on the stage herself, waiting for her trainer to come and join her. Hau fist-pumped and jumped for joy. "Yeah! We're going all out!"

Hala oversaw, taking point at the side of the stage while Hau and Moon stood opposite one another, Popplio and Rowlet before each. Hau had been raised around Pokemon all his life, watching his grandfather act as Kahuna, and showed not the slightest effect of the Trainer's Bond he and Popplio had just established. Moon seemed slightly more wavering on her feet, but she had experienced far more than just obtaining her first Pokemon. Hala was honestly surprised she'd agreed to this battle at all.

"Very well!" He raised his arms, "this will be the first battle of Moon and Rowlet, against Hau and Popplio. Each of you is a new trainer, feel your new bond with your Pokemon and stand tall for them! Are you ready?"

Moon nodded. Hau grinned.

"Ready to go, Tutu!"

Hala nodded and lowered his hands. "Begin!"

It was an awkward battle in truth, but then whose first was not? Moon and Hau both gave orders, but their responsiveness was slow. Raised together, the Rowlet and Popplio knew each other well enough to fight as they always had before, just harder, and took the show for themselves far more than their trainers.

But that was the way it always was for those new. Neither should be ashamed. Still, Hala and Kukui both took note.

Hau thought quickly, changing from one idea to the next rapidly, but overloaded his Popplio with commands. Moon committed to what she said, expecting it to be carried out before speaking again. It was a slow conflict, but ultimately the elemental match-up determined it, and Popplio barked defeat. Rowlet posed before it.

"The victory goes to Moon and Rowlet!" Hala's right hand raised, indicating the Kanto Trainer. "Well fought!"

Scooping Popplio up in his arms, Hau smiled at the Pokemon as it nudged his cheek, offering it kind words for its hard efforts. Then he approached Moon.

"Wa-ow, hey, that was awesome! Moon, right? You did great!" Hau's closeness, and excitability, was something different to the usual distance people maintained in Kanto, leading Moon to back up a little. Hau paid it no notice. "I know I lost this time, but tomorrow I'm going all out, alright? Make sure to hold nothing back!"

The specifics of tomorrow's festival, and her planned role in it, had yet to be explained to Moon and so she could only give a look of confusion. Kukui chuckled, and stepped up to the edge of the stage. "We can talk about tomorrow tomorrow, alright kids? Now, to celebrate your becoming Pokemon Trainers, I have a gift for each of you!"

A red device was held out to each of the children, one they would recognise with ease. A Pokedex was the other half of the gift a Professor gives to new trainers: a Pokemon they would travel with, and the electronic encyclopaedia which would record all of the Pokemon they encountered. A trainer's journey was often fraught with adventure, and from those adventures came new knowledge. Countless breakthroughs in the understanding of Pokemon and their mysteries resulted from such travels.

"With that," Kukui beamed at the pair, "you're both fully fledged Pokemon Trainers. Congratulations!"

Hala echoed the sentiment. "Tomorrow, at the Festival of the Tapu, the two of you will begin your Island Challenge. Until that time, rest and prepare with your Pokemon. This is the start of your lives as Pokemon Trainers!"

There was weight to that announcement, the sound of ceremony behind it, the words Hala had given to hundreds of trainers before. Both Moon and Hau nodded. Kukui grinned.

"Alright then, I think it's about time I get you home, Moon. Lillie, you two should come with too, yeah. Best we don't lose you more than once today, after all!"

Lillie nodded, clutching her bag closer to her, before gasping and opening it as quickly as she could to find nothing inside. Moon, turning her head, watched the Pokemon play about nearby. Lillie, catching Moon's gaze, followed it as well.

"Oh Nebby!"

The way home was quiet, the cries of nocturnal Pokemon there but never too close. Moon was silent, Lillie focusing on keeping Nebby in her bag. At the door to Moon's house, on the outskirts of Hau'oli City, Kukui came to a halt.

"Well, here's your stop." To Moon he held out a hand, a ball of half red, half white. "And Rowlet there's Pokeball. I'll come by tomorrow to see how things are going, alright?"

Moon's nod was met by a farewell from Lillie, which earned a smile from her. Then into her house she went. A busy day come to a close. Kukui smiled.

Time for everyone else to be off home. Tomorrow, too, would be another busy day.

It was only later that night, lying in bed and thinking of the day's occurrences, that Kukui realised just what it was he had felt when seeing Moon with her new Pokemon. It hadn't been the feeling he'd expected – of a new trainer, a child establishing the first of their Bonds. No, it was of something bigger, older, and far more powerful.

It was of a monster without equal, towering above him

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12984902/1/Eldritch