Name on the tombstone

Anastasia walked towards the place where Emily and Ruby were playing.

There were a lot of butterflies hovering around them. Both of them looked very happy while trying to catch them with their hands. They were enjoying the moment.

Seeing this scene, Anastasia would have been very happy, but currently, her mind was diverted in some other thoughts, that's why she ignored everyone around her and sat on the edge of the fountain while being in a deep thought.

Emily and Ruby also noticed her behaviour. They thought that something must have happened to her, because Anastasia was not smiling like before.

She looked tired and pale like she has just seen a ghost. They started to feel very worried about her and her silence was stinging them, that's why they went towards her to ask her if something was wrong.

But she shrugged them off by saying that nothing happened.

What is she supposed to tell them? That she saw Crown prince Victor Dalton? Who died 1000 years ago? Will these people believe her if she said that? And the answer is no.

They knew that something must have gone wrong but they can't force Anastasia to answer it if she don't want to. That's why both of them decided to back out from the matter.

They should have known that there was some problem when Anastasia did not follow them out.

But it is not their fault either. They thought that Anastasia is an adult so maybe she might need her alone time to explore the palace by herself. But looks like the matter is something else.

"Guys I think we should leave, my head is paining so badly because of this sunny weather. I can't stay here any longer. So let's go" Anastasia said while picking up her bag.

She didn't wanted to stay in this place for even a single minute. To be honest, she just don't want to stay in this village any longer.

It has not even been 1 day before she came here but she started to feel homesickness from now.

She was very irritated by this place. Because she could feel it in the air of this village that a lot of innocent people has lost their life in this place and that thought was very disturbing for her. Like she was here when that bloodshed happened.

She wants nothing but to leave this place. If she stayed here for too long then it will greatly affect her mental health. Because being able to see ghostly stuff is not normal for anyone.

She missed her home. So she have decided to leave from Scotland tomorrow morning. And she will inform about that to her mom later through the text message.

But there was a problem, she don't want to leave her grandmother here alone.

But for that she has an idea. She will take Isabelle in London with her and they all can live happily together and if she denied then she have no other choice then doing little emotional blackmail to her. Doing that is not wrong. right?

But one thing is clear, that she won't stay here for sure.

Ruby checked her phone and noticed that she has recieved a new message from someone.

It was from Agnes. She just messaged ruby to inform her that she has left from the funeral so it will be okay if she visit her now.

Ruby takes tutoring from Agnes, in which she gets to learn about how to make medicines from trees and plants. But today her class was dismissed because of the funeral.

But now it is the perfect time. Maybe she could take Anastasia to visit Agnes's courtyard where she keeps her herbal plants.

"Anastasia i heard that you are also studying medical. So if you don't mind then would you like to visit Agnes? She makes very effective medicines by herbs, so maybe it will be beneficial for you in the future."

"Umm, that sounds like a wonderful idea..." before she could speak in, Emily barged into the middle of the conversation.

"Wait a second, why are you only inviting her? What about me?" Emily said with annoyed tone. She also wants to be added in the group.

"I am sorry Emilia, but there are no kids allowed"

"Kids!? Do i look like a kid to you? I am just 13" she crossed her arms.

Anastasia covered Emily's mouth to make her stop talking. "Don't worry ruby, i will call grandma to pick her up. I also want to meet Miss Agnes urgently."

That is what she has been waiting for from the morning. Finally she could ask Agnes to make her the bracelet that broked last night.

"Fine then let's go"


When Agnes was watering the plants in the courtyard, she heard the bell ringing from the door. It must be ruby she thought. That's why she shouted loudly to call her inside.

"Come in, the door is open" After that she started watering the bushes again.

She looked at the door and noticed that with ruby Anastasia and Emily also came to visit her.

"What a pleasant surprise, i didn't expected to see you here. Is everything ok?" She asked in worrying tone. Because she knows that this village is threat to Anastasia.

"No, everything is fine. But sorry for coming uninvited, ruby told me that you knows many things about herbs and i am also very interested in medical. so i couldn't say no to her"

"Oh, no no no. It is my pleasure to have you here. Please come inside." She kept the plant sprayer in the table and wipped her hands with a handkerchief.

Anastasia glanced around her and noticed that the courtyard was filled with many type of plants that she can't even name.

The strong light from the sun was falling on those herbs because of the open roof. By looking at the place you can clearly tell that Agnes took care of the plants very well. And then she remembered that she saw similar plants in Isabelle's house too.

"Everyone please be sitted down. And Emilia mostly kids are not allowed here. But till Isabelle comes, you can stay here. Just don't touch anything, okay? It could be dangerous."

"Alright Granny" Emily said while sitting beside Anastasia obediently.

Anastasia was just staring at her with disbelief. When did this brat started to become so obedient? Is she alright?

"Okay, so everyone look at the plant in front of you. Can anyone guess which plant it is?"

Anastasia was clueless, she just kept staring at the plant like it was alien for her. She has a lot of knowledge about medicines but she didn't knew anything about the trees.

Emily stood up from her chair while being excited. "I know it, i know it. This is an orange flowers tree" she said proudly but was dissapointed when she saw others laughing.

Agnes smiled. "No,It is not a flower tree. This is a calendula plant. It is used for many things. Like preventing muscle spasms, starting a menstrual periods, and also reducing fever."

Emily made a embarrassed face "ohh, my bad. I have never seen this plant, i only heard about it in my class." Saying that, she sat on her chair again.

Anastasia patted her shoulder. "Don't be disheartened Emily. Atleast you tried, Unlike us, who didn't even answered. But to be honest we really admire your confidence while speaking about something you don't know about."

Ruby also agreed with that. "It's true."

"Enough talks everyone. Let me teach you how to make calendula cream which is used for treating skin diseases"

Agnes told them to follow her orders and do as she says. And they also followed her very obediently because they were very interested to learn about it.

The steps were simple.

1) Add a dried calendula and chamomile into a hot boiling coconut oil.

2) Once the oil is made, strain out the flowers and add beeswax into it.

3) after that blend everything together and put little bit of water inside the blender. So that could make the texture creamy.

4) keep the cream set up for several hours and after that it is good to use.

"Good job you guys, i am very proud of you all. With just one try, you did it. But next time i am going to teach you how to heal others with magic."

"Granny!? Are we supposed to?" Ruby was stunned when she heard Agnes talking about magic infront of others. She has always been told to not talk about it to anyone outside from the village. Then why did Agnes mentioned it?

Anastasia: "Magic!? That means ruby you are a healer?"

Ruby: "You guys know about them?" She sighed "uggh, i was getting nervous for no reason."

Emily: "Offcourse, grandma told us about this. She also mentioned that she is a healer."

Agnes:- "Well, i am happy that she atleast told you about her origin. Looking at how paranoid she is. I thought she would never tell about her powers to you guys."

Emily: "but why would grandma be paranoid to tell us about it?"

Agnes: "I don't have answer for that, my dear child."

While they both were talking, Anastasia heard her phone ringing and found that Isabelle has called her. That's why she went in the corner to talk with her.

Isabelle: "Hello Anastasia? Sorry i can't come to pick you both for some reason. So can you please walk till our house by yourself? If you don't know the road then take ruby with you."

Anastasia: "But grandma! Why are you not coming?" Before she could talk the phone hung up. "Hello? Are you listening? Uggh, looks like she was in hurry."

She was about to turn around to go towards them and tell them about the news, but her eyes unknowingly falled on the beautiful plant that had a named carved onto it. The name written on it was Cassie.

Anastasia thought that the name belonged to someone who is related to Agnes, that's why she ignored it and went towards them.

Agnes: "What happened Anastasia? Why did Isabelle called?"

Anastasia:- Nothing, she just told us to come there by ourselves because she is busy with some work."

Agnes thought that Isabelle was mad at her because of what happened earlier that's why she didn't came here.

Agnes: "Okay i understand, but don't go there by yourself. What if you got lost? So take ruby with you."

Ruby also nodded "yeah, let me drop you there."

Anastasia also agreed to that, but then she remembered that she still haven't spoke to Agnes about the bracelet. But how is she supposed to say it in front of everyone?

Anastasia: "Ruby can you please drop Emily in grandma's house? I will go there by myself."

Ruby: "But why are you not coming with us?"

Anastasia: "I have something important to discuss with miss Agnes. So if you don't mind"

Ruby also understood Anastasia's hint. If she wants to talk with Agnes then that means it is about something important matters that's why she don't want to talk about it in front of everyone.

Ruby: "Alright, So we will leave now, Come Emily" she said while holding Emily's wrist and dragging her outside the house. "Don't worry, she will come."

Agnes was in her deep thought. What does Anastasia want to talk about? Did she found out the truth?

Agnes: "what happened child? Is everything okay? You don't look very well."

Anastasia: "Miss Agnes, do you remember giving me a red knotted bracelet when I was 5 year old?."

Agnes felt that her world is crashing down infront of her eyes. How could Anastasia remember her childhood? Because years ago, she and Isabelle had taken her memory off from that period of time

Agnes: "how is this possible? Did you took it off? How did you know it was me who gave you that bracelet? Did you got your memories back? Do you remember the accident that was caused on your 5th birthday?"

Anastasia: "what are you talking about? What accident? I only remember that you gave me this bracelet so i could stop seeing supernatural entities around me. Except that, I don't remember anything."

Agnes felt her heart beating again. "Thank God that you don't remember anything about that day. But it will still not stop your problem. I think i need to tell you the truth."

Anastasia: "granny i really don't understand anything you are saying. What truth? I just want you to make a new bracelet for me that's all. I don't want to know anything except that"

Agnes: "i didn't made that bracelet, i just completed my job to deliver it to you. But now that you don't have your bracelet anymore that means your power are going to be uncontrollable."

Anastasia: "What!?"

Agnes: "i am going to show you something that is going to be very hurtful for you. But you need to control your emotions. Otherwise it will affect the whole world."

Anastasia had no words to say. What is Agnes trying to tell her? How should she stop feeling emotions? It is not possible.

Agnes: "follow me, i want to show you something."

Anastasia didn't wanted to do it but she she didn't had any choice because Agnes was dragging her to go with her.

After walking for some time they both arrived in a garden but only Agnes knew that this place was not a garden but a graveyard. In this place she had buried many people who were very close to her heart.

Anastasia: "why does this garden has so many tombstone? No one keeps people's grave in their house."

Agnes: "some people do it because they are not ready to leave their loved ones. And i have seen many funerals that you could ever imagine."

Everything was making sense. But the garden had more than 100 tombstone in it. How many loved ones did Agnes had in her life time to literally cover whole garden? But that didn't scared her. The part where she was truly creeped out was when she saw her own name written on one of the tombstone.

RIP Anastasia De Rossi

Born in 1998 and Died in 1998.

How can someone die on their birth? And if she died then how did she grew up?