Helping the ghost boy

Anastasia was thinking if she should go back to the Perkins mansion or not. Because she didn't knew how Isabelle would react by the fact that she stayed out for so many hours.

Anastasia: "I know you are missing me grandma but i don't want to come home." She said while looking at isabelle picture in her phone.

While she was getting sad while thinking about it. Someone was desperately trying to communicate with her.

"Shuk shuk" she felt something whispering in her ears.

She looked at her phone's selfie camera and noticed a little boy in it.

He was pale as a ghost. And had alot of scars in his body. His left eye was broken. He looked like he was killed by a knife.

Seeing him suddenly made her stunned but she didn't showed it that way.

She was looking in her phone so she could show the ghost of the little boy that she can't see him. But the boy was so smart to understand it.

"Look! there is a big cockroach on your feet."

Hearing that, it made her jump in her place. "Cockroach!? Where is it?"

The little boy laughed at her. "I caught you."

Anastasia crossed her arm and looked angrily at the boy. "It is not good to joke about someone's phobia. What if I had an heart attack? Are you going to take me in the hospital?"

The boy: "You know i am a ghost right? Most people pee their pants when they see me. But you didn't." His eyes sparkled "Sister you are really brave."

Anastasia: "Thankyou, i know that you were a ghost. That's why i was trying to ignore you. But here we are. So now tell me quickly what do you want? Why are you roaming as a spirit? Do you have an incomplete wish?"

The boy nodded. "Yes."

Anastasia felt awful for him. Because dying by this brutal way might have been very traumatic for the child.

It shows that he was murdered by looking at the cuts shown in his body.

She kneeled on the ground and looked at the boy. "I am sorry, but i can't help you with whatever wish you have. Because i need to take care of myself too. Right?"

The boy: "but i promise, my last wish is not going to take anyone's life. All you have to do is just, give my home's camera footage to the police station that's it." The boy cried.

"Please you are the only one who can help me. Because the others run away just by looking at my sight. That's why please bring justice to me. I want to see the person who murdered my family behind the bars."

Anastasia: "okay fine, i will help you but first tell me what exactly happened to you."

The boy: "Umm, my father was a big land lord in this village. One day, our village's mayor came into our house because he wanted to buy our ancestry land. But my father refused to give it to him that's why he tried many illegals way to get the land but it obviously didn't worked out. That's why he murdered my whole family." His face started to become dull.

Anastasia: "The mayor you are talking about is the one who died just now? Right? I heard about it." She started to think about something. "But i have question, if your murderer is dead, then who are you going to put in the jail after giving the footage to the police?"

The boy: "Ronan Richardson is not the only one who killed my family. Even government is responsible for it." the little boy's voice started to sound serious. "This village is being runned by a very corrupted person. The government don't give a damn about the village's economy. They only wants money. Even if everyone is dying because of not getting any food or water. But still they haven't did anything about it. They are being very tyrannical."

The boy: "just like how they turned my family's murder case into a robbery by feeding some money to the police inspectors. Even the locals were doubtful when they heard this news. But they didn't did anything about it. Because it was not there problem."

Anastasia started to feel very disgusted by this. "This is so cruel. Why didn't the villagers took stand against it if they knew that because of the government people are dying? What if the same thing happened to them in the future?"

The boy: "Most people prefer to be in silent and suffer then talk about it. Because if they got kicked out from the village then, where are they supposed to go? Going to city is very expensive for the people who lives here. That's why most kids here are working their butt off to get their parents away from this tyrannical place."

The boy: "Most olders people's blame demons or curses for the wrong things happening in the village. But i know it is not true. It is the humans who are doing the crime. But when they get caught. They directly blame it on the demon. So they could save their own asses."

Anastasia nodded "true. I have noticed many people saying stuff like this whenever something bad happens to them. They always blame this on a negative energy around them. But why can't you own up to it? That yes, this thing happened to me because i made a wrong choice." She sighs "but it never happens."

The boy pleaded "that's why please help me. Bring my murder case in the light. So many people could know what illegal things has been happening here."

Anastasia held the boys hands. "Alright, tell me what should I do? I will do anything to bring justice for you and the people who died."

Happiness glimmered on the boy's face. "You don't need to do much. Just, we need to go in the diamond palace's secret room. Where Ronan and his companions hided their illegal documents from the elders of the village."

Anastasia: "Elders of the village?"

The boy: "Yeah, after you collects the documents and the video proof. Go directly to grandma Agnes. She is the leader of all the elders and she is also the head of our village. I can't trust anyone except her."

Anastasia: "Agreed but, how am I supposed to enter the diamond palace? I mean it is going to be dark soon and I can't stay in that place for too long otherwise i will keep seeing ghosts of other peoples, And i can't help everyone of them."

The boy: "You don't need to worry. I will open the gates for you and after taking the papers we can leave."

Anastasia: "Fine, let's go. But please make it quick. If i didn't returned home in time then my grandmother is going to kill me.

The boy: "Okay let's go." After that, the boy transported Anastasia and him infront of the diamond palace's gate.

Anastasia: "Well, that was quick"


Agnes: "Isabelle calm down. She will return sooner. Don't get worried for no reason."

Isabelle: "Seriously!? Worried for no reason? Here, my granddaughter is not home yet and you are saying that i am getting worried for no reason. Are you even listening to yourself?"

While Isabelle was ranting her frustration on Agnes. Emily just kept staring at her like she was an invisible person. She has been standing there more that 1 hour. And Isabelle didn't even noticed her.

Isabelle: "You know what Agnes? It is all your fault. Why did you told her the truth? You could have atleast waited until i came there. But no! You didn't. Now how are we supposed to handle this?" Her blood pressure started to get high. "Call all the villagers. We are going to have special meeting now. And if something bad happened to Anastasia then i am going to burn this whole village down" after that, she angrily hungs up on her and noticed Emily looking at her with weirded out expression.

"Hi Emilia" Isabelle said while changing her face from angry to normal.

Agnes sighed while looking at her phone. "What am I supposed to say to this woman? In my 1000 years of life. Nobody dared to talk to me this way. But even though she knows about my true self. She treats me this way? How rude."

"What happened to Anastasia?" A unknown sound came from her behind.

She was ready to attack the person. But stopped when she was his face.

"Your highness!?" She looked at him shocked. But then remembered her courtesy.

She bowed infront of him, even though she is old. She can't disrespect the royal majesty himself.

Victor tried to stop Agnes from bowing. "Miss Agnes stop it. We are not in 1400's anymore. So stop doing this. You are older than me."

After hearing him, Agnes stood up straight. "But your highness. How are you back in the village again? Aren't you Cu-"

"Cursed?" He said before she could complete it.

"Umm, yeah." She said awkwardly.

Victor: "I am still cursed. But for change, god have decided to punish me in a new way. "

Agnes: "I am sorry for talking to you like this. But your highness you had a choice. Either you could have been in peace or suffer through your pain for 1000 years. And you choosed the second option. Why!? You know you are not the only one who is suffering because of it. right?"

Victor: "I know that people think that the decision i made was very foolish. But for me suffering was the only option." He closed his eyes to control his emotions. "If i would have choosen to be in peace. Then that would have made Ezen's motive correct. He always thought me as someone who was privileged by birth and sadly he is right." He sighed. "I know, 1000 years ago my one decision made this whole universe in verge of breaking. If i made a mistake then i should own up to it right? I don't think i made a wrong choice."

Agnes: "I understand. But because of you. Cassie is suf-" she started to panic "Your highness, have you ever met Cassie? Is she alright?"

Victor: "Yeah, yeah Miss Agnes she is alright. When I was in Edinburgh, we would meet everyone week. So don't worry, she leaving her life to fullest."

She started to breath again. "Oh thank God she is safe. I didn't even heard anything from her."

Victor: "Yeah, but you were talking about something to Isabelle right? What happened?  Is Anastasia alright?" He felt tensed. "She is my responsibility. Nothing should happened to her. If something happens to her then what is the point of my existence?"

Agnes: "Your highness, Ezen got freed from the forbidden forest. The prophecy we made 1000 years ago turned out to be true. I just couldn't find out who took him out from the dungeon. If i found out who it was then i would have sacrificed that person to."

Victor: "No. Don't even think about sacrificing her."

Agnes was stunned when she heard him say that. She thought that victor's response is going to be something else. But looking at it, looks like he don't want a war anymore.

Agnes: "Why!? Do you know who the person is?"

Victor nodded. "It's Anastasia, She is the only one who could posses enormous mana inside her body to be able to free Ezen. And even if she didn't had any mana inside her, she would have still been able to take Ezen out from that dungeon with just a touch. Because, afterall she is the reason he got trapped inside it."

Agnes: "If Ezen found out about this then, he will no doubt going to kill her. So we need to protect her more. We know he has his eyes on Anastasia from the start.

Victor: "You really think that i am going to keep anyone who tried to harm her alive? I don't care if i don't have my main power anymore. But i still hold enough power to ruin any supernatural species on earth."

Agnes: "Then go find her. She still didn't arrived home yet. Maybe she got hurt because i told her that she is adopted."

Victor's eyes wided "You told her what!?"

Agnes: "I forgot to tell you about this, but she came to talk with me in the afternoon. She said that her red knotted bracelet got broken by her. That's why she wanted me to make newer one for her. But i can't do anything about it. You made that bracelet, not me." She sighed. "And i didn't thought that you would return back in the village. That's why i told her everything."

Victor: "Ohh, that's why she could see me." He crossed his arms "thanks for doing this favor for me Agnes. If the red knotted bracelet i made for her broke then that means it was  written in her destiny to know about this. We can't do anything about it. But i hope you didn't told her anything about her real parents."

Agnes: "It is your job to do that, not mine"

Victor: "if it is in my hand then i will never tell her anything about it. Because after finding about her origin. She is going to get more entangled with the supernatural realm. And i don't want her to become another me." He touched forehead to stop stressing. "But anyway, i should go to find her." After saying that he left.

Victor went outside and tried to connect with her other soul. And that time he learned that she was in the diamond palace.