Old married couple

Ezen: "If yes, then hold my hand." He extended his hand towards her.

Anastasia crossed her arms and gave him a sarcastic smile. "No thank you. I will politely decline your offer."

Ezen: "You are ruining a good chance to be my sidekick. Not everyone has this opportunity. People are dying to get my favor and you are here being ungrateful about it?"

Anastasia: "Oh lord. How much ego you have inside you? I already rejected your offer, so please have some shame and leave me alone."

Ezen: "And what if I didn't? What are you going to do about it?" He went closer towards her.

Anastasia: "If you even tried to come near me then i would have no choice but to call my guardian angel. And if he found out about it, then i don't think he is going to keep you alive."

Ezen laughed like he just heard some joke. "What a little kid you are. You really believe that your so-called guardian angel is going to come from heaven just to save you from me? Aww, don't live in those kind of fantasy land because no one in this world has enough power to stop me from being around you."

Anastasia: "You are just salty because you don't have anyone to protect you anymore." She flipped her hairs dramatically. "Unlike me, i have been protected by heavens since my birth. They said that i am made for doing something greater in my life." This is what mimi told her when she was a kid.

Ezen: "Ohh, so you already knew that you are not a normal human being? Wow! And i thought that you don't know anything about your powers. I am feeling so stupid right now."

Anastasia: "It is because you are."

Succubi who was watching their squabbling for more that a minute got frustrated by their talks. Because she thought that they were fighting like a old married couple. That's why her jealousy was out of control.

Succubi: "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!!!" She screamed by top of her lungs making her feel breathless.

Anastasia and ezen went speechless. Seeing succubi act like a crazy lady, They both decided to shut their mouth.

Succubi looked at ezen with a sad expression "Are you seriously going to leave me? Because of this bitch?" She said while pointing towards Anastasia.

Anastasia got offended when she heard succubi calling her a bitch. Only her best friend poppy can call her names. Not anyone else.

Anastasia: "That is so rude. You don't even know anything about me. Then how dare you call me me a bitch? I could say the same thing to you but i am not going to do that. Because i have class."

Succubi: "You little..."

Ezen: "Stop it succubi! You know that you are in the wrong. So opologize right now."

Succubi felt embarrassed because of Ezen scolding her infront of Anastasia. But why should she opologize her? Why is Ezen being so considerate towards Anastasia? Thinking about it made her more jealous of Anastasia. But she have no choice now, she can't dismiss Ezen's order.

Succubi made a cocky face and looked away from Anastasia. "I am sorry" she pouted.

Anastasia: "No problem. I have forgiven you already" Even though Anastasia knew that succubi didn't said sorry from her heart. But still she forgived her because she don't want to make a scene there. But if it was some other time then she would have never left her like that.

Ezen was dissapointed when he heard succubi opologize. Because her "sorry" sounded so fake like someone is forcing her to say that.

Anastasia: "Succubi i never thought that i would ever meet you. But trust me, I knew that your personality would have been exactly like that in real life."

Succubi: "What do you mean by in real life? Did you thought i never existed?"

Anastasia: "I mean, how am I supposed to know that? I thought succubus was just some fictional character from a movie"

Succubi: "Movie? I have heard this word somewhere before but i don't know what it means."

Anastasia: "Movie means seeing a video in a big screen called theatre. Some people made a movie about how you seduce men and later kill them. This type of stories are very scary that's why everyone go to watch it.

Ezen: "See succubi, you can't even do one thing straight. Someone took a video of you and now many people go to watch it on big screen. I think you should go back to hell again because you can't keep your existence private."

Succubi: "Wait! Is this true? Do people really know about my existence? No no no.. i don't want to go in hell again." Succubi started to cry "Ezen do something."

Ezen: "What do you expect me to do!?"

Anastasia tried to stop them. "Guys no. I didn't meant to say that. I am trying to say is that, there is an actress that take place as you. And... uggh, i don't even know how to explain it properly." She touched her head and felt like someone was trying to connect with her.

[Don't waste your time while talking with them. Just get out of the palace, someone is waiting for you outside.]

Huh!? Who said that? She thought. But then she remembered that the voice she heard was of mimi.

She looked infront of her and noticed Ezen staring at her while being confused.

Did he heard this too? She started sweating.

If yes, then she should not stay here anymore.

Mimi said that someone is waiting for me outside. So i need to find out who the person is.

Ezen who was confused decided to ask her a question. "You could talk to your other soul?" He asked curiously. Because just now, he felt a powerful soul present in the room with them and he could also hear voices of the soul talking with someone.

Anastasia started to feel more anxious because of that. "It's none of your business to know. I am already late because of you so i am leaving now."

Ezen also didn't stopped her. "Fine, but remember about our deal. So see you later."

Anastasia: "Yeah whatever" she is going to leave this village tomorrow. So meeting him again is definitely not in her mind. Hopefully he will find someone new for his work. Just so he could leave her alone.

Anastasia hurriedly stormed out of the room to leave and ran out of the palace to look for the person who was waiting for her.


(7 minutes earlier)

Victor teleported himself infront of the diamond palace. The gate was already opened. Looks like Anastasia was inside the palace. He thought.

In the morning he didn't had a chance to look at the palace. But now, after so many centuries he was back to the place where he once used to live.

The palace that was once filled with so many people was now abandoned and the reason behind it was him.

People died because of him. Thinking about that was making him overwhelmed with feelings. But he controlled it because he didn't wanted something bad happening to the world because of his emotions.

He moved forward to go inside the palace but he couldn't. Because the old memories were haunting him as he tried to go inside it.

First time in his life, he was feeling anxious.

The old scary memories started to come out again in his mind.

He could still clearly hear the crowds cheering with anger.

(Kill that witch)

(She should die)

(I hope you suffer a terrible fate. You witch!)

(Crown prince if you didn't killed that witch then our world would be in danger.) He remembered his royal secretary telling him this.

After that, the scene faded. Now, he could see a weak and fragile woman who was tied to a tree with ropes. Her long bright red hairs were covering her face, and her body was filled with many scars.

But by seeing her like in this state, His heart started feel painful. And without his knowing his eyes became teary but he can't show her that.

He went closer towards the woman and finally saw the woman's face. She looked innocent and scared. With her trembling hands she holded his sleeves and looked at him pleadingly. "Victor are you really going to kill me?"

He didn't wanted to kill her. He wanted to free her from those ropes and later hold her close in his arms. but instead, he did something unexpected. He stabbed her.

The woman face turned pale like she didn't expected him do that. But in the end, it was true. He did stabbed her. But how can she take his deception lightly?

Her beautiful blue eyes from earlier turned red. And her innocent looking face became demonic. She holded his hand with her long nails and stared straight towards his eyes.

"Each choice has consequences victor, so now you need to deal with yours. I curse you to live in your nightmare forever and to always remember, that you killed me."

Victor started to feel like choking. He was feeling breathless because of the memory. He noticed that he was alone infront of the diamond palace. The thing he saw was just a dream. A bad dream or freaking nightmare.

He tried to forget the woman's face but he couldn't. But after some time he did became calm. but now, he don't have enough energy to go inside the palace and see more worst memory. That's why he need to call Anastasia outside. But how is he supposed to do that?

He then had an idea. He closed his eyes and tried to connect with someone.

"Mimi, bring her outside. I can't do this anymore. I don't want to fight more demons by going inside."

The spirit also heard him and understood his position.

[You don't want to fight your past demon. I understand. But there is someone who you need to face again. This is not about us now. Anastasia is with Ezen. I will call her outside in a minute. So please victor. I want to see you like before. Don't crush my hope like this. You are the only one who could protect her from the upcoming bad fate. Don't let her experience the same fate as youself. You promised me this. Remember?]

"Offcourse i do." The connection suddenly broked. That means Anastasia was coming.


After Anastasia left from the room. It was only succubi and ezen being uncomfortable around each other. There was plain awkward silence in the room.

Succubi made initiative to talk with him. "So...., Who are you trying to bring back from dead? Our talk earlier stayed incomplete. Who's body did you hided in the store room?"

Ezen didn't even glanced at her, but still he decided to answer. "It's Equinox. I am trying to bring her back."

Hearing that, succubi had no words. She was too shocked to say anything. But she can't let this matter slide this time. "H-how Is this possible? Equinox is currently getting punished for her traitory. And you are talking about bringing her back? Why? Are you really serious about it?"

Ezen: "I haven't forgotten her traitory! I know the thing she did was wrong. But i can't just break my promise i made to her."

Succubi touched her temples in frustration. "My gosh! Ezen are you even listening to yourself? Because of your lovely older sister, you were trapped in that dungeon for centuries and now after all this time you are free, you want to bring her back again? That's bullshit." Her face started to turn red.

Ezen: "I have many ways to bring Equinox back. And by the way, don't you dare yell at me ever again. You are forgetting who you are speaking with." He said while glaring at her.

Succubi just smiled sarcastically "Yeah, i know you are from far higher rank from me and i also know that i don't have any right to yell at you. But always remember that i care for you, Ezen. And i don't want to see you getting in trouble for bringing Equinox back. Remember that helping a traitor escape from the punishment is biggest crime in the hell. If the empress found out about it, then you would be stripped off from your position for being the upcoming ruler of hell"

Ezen started to get mad when she mentioned the empress. "I don't care if i got stripped from my position. I never wanted to be the next heir for the throne but other demons were too jealous to ever notice that."

He remembered how many close friends he lost because of that throne. He killed many people just to become the next ruler of hell, but now he was just 1 step closer to become the king. But his heart didn't wanted it anymore. He despised it more than anything else.

Ezen: "See, if you don't want to help me just say that, alright? I can do it on my own. Nobody is forcing you."

Succubi shook her head in no "How dare i not obey you? I left my work just so i could help you, then how can i leave you alone?" She smiled. "So tell me, how are we going to ressurect Equinox?"