
All of them finally arrived at aunt Charlotte's restaurant and sat on the chairs.

Anastasia was more tired than before. "Now my legs are hurting more and it is all your fault poppy."

Poppy looked at Anastasia with her chocolate brown eyes "How is this my fault!?"

"Stop fighting girls." A middle aged woman came with a tray and gave them glasses filled with cold water.

Charlotte: "My customers are going to run away if they saw you guys fighting."

Poppy: "Mom! this is not my fault now. This bitch Anna always blames me for things."

Charlotte caresses Anastasia's head protectively. "Ohh please don't call her that. She is a good girl. Why would you call her the b word?"

Charlotte was such a elegant lady that's why she never says any bad words.

Anastasia looked at poppy while smirking. "Yeah pops. I am such a good person and you always call me a bitch." She hugged Charlotte while crying fake tears.

Charlotte tried to calm her down. "Love, don't cry. I'll make you your favourite apple pie for you. Just stay here, alright?"

Poppy couldn't believe her eyes. "Good girl who? When? How? Anastasia did you really changed your personality in front of my mother? You are worse than Emily."

Charlotte shushed her daughter. "Shutup poppy! And by the way, where is Emily? Is she not here?"

Anastasia: "She is talking with her friend outside."

Charlotte looked at the two traveling bags on the ground. "And what about this luggage? Where were you gone?"

Poppy: "Mom i told you! She went to visit her grandmother yesterday."

Charlotte: "Ohh, and you came back in just 2 days?"

Anastasia played with her hairs "Yeah! I got homesick."

Charlotte: "Aww, i understand. But anyway, i should get back to the kitchen." She smiled at Anastasia "Order anything you want, alright? Till that time, i will make your favourite apple pie. So have fun."

As she left. Poppy screamed from behind. "Atleast ask your daughter what she wants."

Charlotte said in a professional tone. "Then order it."

Poppy looked at Anastasia like she was betrayed. "Seriously Anna? You stoled my mother?"

Anastasia: "That's how i feel when you come to my house. So take that."

Even poppy gets spoiled from claudia.

Poppy laughed. "True, but i don't understand one thing. Why do people think that you are a good girl when you are completely different around me? What is this conspiracy theory?"

Anastasia: "It's people's perception about me. I am not a good girl, i am just shy. And with you, i don't feel shy anymore because you are my soulmate pops. I feel like i can show you my true self and i know that you will not judge me."

Poppy smiled. "Offcourse i won't, why would I judge you? We have grown up together from our childhood and we also know each other's darkest deepest secrets. So i don't think i will ever judge you. But what about you? Will you judge me?"

Anastasia: "Little bit" she tried to control her laughter but poppy got offended and hitted her arm.

Poppy: "don't do that Anna. I thought we were bonding."

Anastasia: "Who said we are not?"

Poppy: "Then tell me! What happened in your trip? Did you had fun?"

Anastasia: "Yeah, i forgot to tell you about it. Come closer. It is a serious matter."

Poppy came closer while thinking about the serious matter. "What is it?"

Anastasia: "Remember, i used to see ghosts when I was a child?"

Poppy nodded. "Yeah, what about it?"

Anastasia: "I can see them again."

"What!?" Poppy screamed so loudly that all the people who were in the restaurant started looking at her like she was crazy.

And from the kitchen, she also got a deadly glare from her mother.

That's why she kept her voice low. "What the fuck are you talking about? Do you still see ghosts?"

Anastasia: "I started seeing them again from yesterday."

By hearing that poppy started to feel scared. "Where are they now?"

Anastasia: "Behind you."

Poppy had chills down her spine and looked behind the check where the ghost was. But saw no one there. "STOP PLAYING WITH ME!" She threw her purse at her. But Anastasia catched it in the right moment.

By looking at poppy's frightened expression, she couldn't stop her laughter.

Poppy: "Anna, don't do that! My gosh!" She touched her face with her cold hands.

Anastasia: "I am not joking, trust me. I do see ghosts. But i lied that someone was behind you."

Poppy: "Fine! I believe you. Now tell me exactly what happened."

Anastasia started to narrate the story to poppy and it took her whole 1 hours to explain everything.

Even their food got cold in the process.

Poppy touched her head in dissapointment. "Are you freaking serious!?"

Anastasia: "What!? You don't believe me now?"

Poppy: "No! I do believe you but what the hell were those choices you made? The old man told you to not enter the forbidden area and even your own grandmother told you the same thing, then why did you went inside it!?"

Anastasia didn't knew the answer. "I don't know! I had no control over it, alright? It felt like someone was calling me inside and i couldn't control my emotions. I bet, someone was mind controlling  me."

She knew, that someone was definitely Ezen.

Poppy still couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You know, we have seen multiple horror movies together and they always warn us to not enter any abandoned area. Then why did you do that? You are not a horror movies protoganist so stop acting like one." She started to think. "Not only that, you also opened a underground door that was locked by magic?" She don't know what she was speaking. "My gosh! This sounds like a movie. I think we are living in a horror story and if that's true then someone is definitely going to die."

Anastasia got scared. "Why are you making me scared? Are you trying to say i am going to die?"

Poppy: "No! I meant to say is that, i am going to die because in every horror movie, the first one who dies are usually protoganist's bestfriend and i am your bestfriend, that means i am going to die."

Anastasia started to cry. "No! I don't want to be a protoganist."

Poppy hugged Anastasia tightly. "I know you don't. But first tell me, the demon you told me about. What is his name? Ezen. Yeah, is he hot?"

Anastasia: "Huh!?"

Poppy: "And what about the main character of the movie "the blood at the night" Victor Dalton. Is he hot in real life too as they showed in the movie?"

Anastasia: "Poppy what the hell are you talking about!?"

Poppy: "I mean, if i am going to die then i better have a love interest too, right? Atleast i would be the side character who everyone loves."

Emily who came from outside saw poppy and Anastasia talking about weird stuff. "What the hell is wrong with both of you!?"

Anastasia hugged Emily while crying. "Emily we live in a horror movie and we are all going to die."

Emily: "I don't know about horror movies but you are acting like a possessed character. Do you want me to call a exorcist?"

Anastasia pouted. "I am not possessed!"

Emily looked at poppy with suspicion. "I know you were crazy but you made my sister crazy too?"

Poppy yelled. "I didn't do anything. Why are everyone blaming me!?"

Because of the commotion from outside. Charlotte came from her kitchen. "What are you guys talking about? Ghosts, demons, exorcist. Customers are running away because of your behaviour. They think we are in some kind of cult or something."

Anastasia was moving alot that's why Emily helped her to sit straight. "Aunt Charlotte? I think, they are drunk."

Charlotte: "What!? They haven't even touched the food and i haven't served them any kind of alcohol then how?" Then she remembered.

She was taking a vodka in the glass and accidentally served it to Anastasia and poppy because she thought it was a water.

Charlotte: "Ohh no! I screwed."

Poppy laughed "Mom you just cursed."

Charlotte: "Emily please take care of both of them. I'll bring something to take their hangover out." While panicking she went back into her kitchen.

Emily tried to control the situation. "You guys really have such a low alcohol tolerance. Just 1 shot of vodka and you are down."

Poppy: "Emily did you know that Anastasia saw ghosts and demons in the Stafford village?"

Anastasia nodded.

Emily closed her eyes in frustration. "Poppy seriously? You are encouraging her behaviour? You know she has schizo...." She stopped because she didn't wanted to say that in front of Anastasia.

But the truth is, Anastasia had schizophrenia from her childhood. She always used to see and hear stuff that didn't exist. That's why claudia treated her by the help of psychiatrist.

Anastasia was angry because of her not believing her. "Why did you stop!? Tell everyone that your sister is crazy. She can see ghosts and stuff. Don't be shy, tell them."

Emily became sad. She didn't wanted to say that. "Anastasia i didn't mean't that. I just..."

Then Charlotte came with glasses of lemon juices. "Come on girls. Drink this and take out your hangover."

Anastasia covered her mouth. "No! I am allergic to lemon."

Emily forced her to drink it. "No you are not."

Poppy kept staring at the glass. "I don't like it's colour. Mom make it blue!"

"Just drink it you brat!" Charlotte poured the lemon juice on her mouth making some of the water fell on her clothes.

Poppy: "Mom! My clothes are wet!" She started to cry.

The alcohol really made them crazy.

Anastasia got up from her chair while shaking. "Aunt Charlotte, can you pack all the food? I will eat it tomorrow. But now, i need to sleep."

Charlotte: "You are going now? Honey, you can stay here if you want."

Anastasia: "No thankyou. I am sober now so I can go on my own."

Poppy also got up from her seat and took her purse. "Sure, let's go. I'll accompany you."

Charlotte: "Where are you going!?"

Poppy: "To drop her, duh. And yeah, don't wait for me. I will sleep in her house only."

Charlotte: "Fine! But you both are drunk and Emily can't take care of you both that's why take venessa with you."

Poppy cringed by hearing her name. "Not that bitch! I am not taking her with me. She is annoying."

Charlotte got mad. "Poppy she is your cousin."

Poppy: "So!? That doesn't mean i need to like her. No one can stop me from calling her annoying."

Charlotte: "Do you want to get slapped?"

Poppy became quite and shook her head in no because she was scared.

Charlotte: "Then listen to your mother and take her with you."

Even though poppy didn't wanted to. She has no choice now. "Fine mother." After saying that she angrily stormed out from the restaurant.

Charlotte ignored her and looked at Anastasia and smiled. "Take care of yourself. Alright?" Her assistant brought a packed food. "And keep it in the freeze otherwise it will get ruined."

Anastasia: "Thank you so much aunt Charlotte" she gave her a hug.

Charlotte patted her back "No worries." She looked at her niece. "Venessa please take care of them."

Venessa smiled "Sure."

After they went outside, they saw poppy sulking about something.

That's why Anastasia went towards her. "Aww poppy." She pinched her cheeks. "Did someone got scolding today?"

Poppy shrugged her hands from her cheeks. "Stop teasing me!" She looked at venessa with disdain. "Anyway, let's go."


A black hooded men stood across their house and hided his face when she saw him.

Why is that man watching them like that? Is he a stalker? Anastasia found it suspicious but she didn't do anything about it.

Poppy noticed her staring at that man. "Why are you staring at that weird guy? Open the door."

Anastasia: "Yeah sorry." She quickly opened the door and went inside it.

The black hooded men took out the mask from his face and started dialling someone's number while sweating.

The creepy man: "I finally found her. Now no one is going to stop our coven from being immortal. Not even god can save her." His lifeless eyes turned big. "We need to sacrifice that girl's soul. Then only we could finally summon the empress of the hell herself."

A loud scream came inside from the house. And by hearing that, the man started to laugh like a maniac. He felt like sooner the world is going to be in his hand.