Your worst nightmare

Anastasia raised her eyebrows. "Why would you help me? Are you really going to go against your own people just so you can help me." She touched her heart. "I can't believe it."

Ezen chuckled. "You know i am a selfish person. Right?"

Anastasia nodded and said in a low tone. "I know that"

Ezen didn't heard it that's why he kept speaking. "And i can do anything i want, only if the thing is going to benefit me. So what do you think? Do you want my help?"

Anastasia: "Umm..."

Ezen: "If yes, then say please.."

Anastasia: "What!?" She looked at him and noticed someone behind him.

It was claudia. She was back!

Claudia laughed in a creepy manner. "Anastasia baby, did you really thought you can hide from me?"

Ezen turned around and looked at claudia up and down. "Who is this ugly woman?"

Anastasia got mad. "Ezen! That's my mother."

Ezen finally understood. "Ohh, so what am I supposed to do with her? Do you want me to kill her?"

Anastasia: "No! Just take that demon out from  her body."

Ezen squinted his eyes and looked at Anastasia. "Who do you take me as? I am not a exorcist."

Claudia face went down. She was here looking all scary and these people were straight up ignoring her like she doesn't exist.

Claudia: "Who might this handsome fella be!?" She said while looking at Ezen.

Ezen crossed his arms arrogantly. "Your worst nightmare!"

Claudia laughed. "Aren't you too smug? Do you even know who i am? But anyway, you'll find out about me after I'll kill you." She moved ahead to attack him but Ezen used his power to make her fall in her knees.

Actually, he wanted to kill her because she threatened him. but he resisted.

The demon was currently inside Anastasia's mother and if he tried to harm her then Anastasia is never going to help him in resurrecting Equinox.

So that's why he needs to find some other method to take him out.

Claudia tried to break free from his black magic but she couldn't, because his power was very strong to break.

Ezen smirked while staring at her when she was helpless. "So you are a hell demon, right? Then you might also know that threatening any royal members can get you executed. and you still dared to do that with me?" His eyes turned yellow with anger.

Claudia became terrified while looking at him. "Your highness! I- i am so sorry, i didn't know it was you. Please forgive me." She bowed down.

Anastasia felt terrible while seeing this. But Ezen just ignored claudia.

Ezen: "What is your name?"

Claudia was confused. "D-do you mean my real name?"

Ezen got frustrated. "Ofcourse!" Does this demon has 2 names.

Claudia: "Your highness. My name is Arruth. I am a fire demon."

Ezen: "A fire demon? I never really heard about you. But whatever, leave this body without any harm."

Claudia: "I am sorry to say this but i can't do that. I can't leave this body without completing my task." She said while looking down.

Ezen: "What is the task?"

Claudia: "I need to kill that girl." She said while pointing her finger towards Anastasia.

Ezen: "Why?"

Claudia: "I don't know. The empress wants me to sacrifice that girl's soul. That's why i can't do anything about it. I can't disobey her."

Claudia: "You have to! Just do as say. Leave this body. The empress will only punish you for weeks but what about me? I don't think i will keep you alive if you disobeyed me."

Claudia sighed. "But your highness! The empress will be mad and if she got mad then she is going to ruin everything. So please..."

Ezen: "I don't care that empress will be mad. You will face her wrath not me. And by the way, don't you dare argue with me. Just do as i say!" He was feeling very irritated.

The demon inside claudia's body had no choice. If he disobeyed Ezen then he is definitely going to kill him. That's why he left her body, making her fall in the ground.

After the demon returned back in hell. All the people of the city which were unconscious suddenly woke up.

Anastasia went towards claudia to help her. "Mom!" She tried to wake her up.

Ezen: "She will not wake up now. Wait till 5 or 6 hours, after that her soul will come back in her body again."

Anastasia: "Ohh, thank you but what was that demon talking about? Who is the empress? And what connection do you have with her?"

Ezen took a deep breath while telling her. "She is my mother and please don't ask me anything about her."

Anastasia: "I didn't even asked." She said in a low tone  "but wait! I need your help with something."

Ezen: "Now what!?"

Anastasia: "Can you wipe out my friends memory? Because i don't want them to get PTSD about what they saw. So can you please help me?"

Ezen thought about it. "If i wiped out your friends memory then will you help me? I mean, will you resurrect my sister?"

Anastasia nodded. "Yeah, I'll try my best."

Ezen raised his eyebrows. "You agreed this quickly? Why? Do you have a motive?"

Anastasia: "Aren't you too paranoid? I agreed to help you because you helped me. And i know you are going to give me a good amount of money for doing it, so why will i reject this offer?"

Ezen also found her talks convincing. "You are smart, i like your way of thinking." He snapped his finger and chanted something. "Done! Your friends and your mother's memory is wiped out."

Anastasia: "How!? You didn't even do anything? Then how did you wipped their memory off?"

Ezen: "You don't need to meet your subject in person for doing black magic on them. But anyway, what will you know about magic?"

"volare" Anastasia saw one of the black hooded men coming towards them. That's why she casted a spell and made that guy fly into the dumpster.

Ezen was stunned by seeing that. "What the fuck!? You know how to use magic?"

Anastasia smiled proudly and rubbed her hands. "I do little practice sometimes. But still, what will I know about magic?" She said mockingly.

Ezen: "Okay fine! I know i should have not said that to you but you are still a newbie. You need to learn alot of stuff about magic."

Anastasia: "You don't need to worry about that. I know a person who can teach me magic."

Ezen was curious. "Who!?"

Anastasia: "It's none of your business. Just tell me, when are we going to ressurector your sister? Because after 2 days my med school is going to start and after that i will have no time so..."

Ezen: "Tomorrow, i will come at your home to pick you up. And... at what time do you wake up?"

Anastasia: "It depends on the time i sleep but you can pick me at 11.00 am. I think."

Ezen: "Fine then, be ready till that time."

Anastasia: "Okay." She looked at claudia. "I should get going." She went to pick her up but it will impossible for her to take her home in this unconscious state.

Ezen thought about helping them. "Do you want me to..."

She cutted him off. "No, i got this." She was embarrassed to ask for help.

Ezen: "I mean, do you want me to teleport you till your house? There is nothing wrong with asking for help."

Anastasia sighed. "Okay fine. Thanks."

"Bye" after that he quickly teleported them back at their house.

Anastasia looked at her house and sighed again.

Finally they were home.

Inside there was pitch dark. Her friends were still lying on the floor but the people from the city woke up from their unconscious state way before them.

Half of the town was scared because they couldn't remember anything that happened before. They couldn't even remember why they were laying unconscious on the road. But there was no one to answer their questions.

After throwing her friends in the guest room.

She ran to check on claudia and noticed that her mother was sick. Maybe it was because of that demon who possessed her.

Anastasia also stayed in claudia's room to take care of her. And in the end. She fell asleep there only.


(Next morning)

Anastasia woke up from her sleep because of the noise coming from her alarm clock.

She checked it and found out that it was 10:30 am already. She was late to wake up.

Now she only have 29 minutes till Ezen come to pick her up that's why she was in hurry.

She checked Claudia's temperature and saw that her fever was very low then last night.

Thanks to the medicine she gave her yesterday.

Anastasia quickly went to take shower and came back early then she used to do.

She changed her clothes and went outside to make breakfast.

Her friends and Emily were still snoring in their room.

When she was making fried eggs. She saw poppy coming towards her while rubbing her eyes. Her head was paining very much.

Poppy drank a glass full of water. "Anastasia, what happened last night? My head is paining like crazy. Do we really have low alcohol tolerance?"

Anastasia: "Maybe" She flipped the egg. "Do you want coffee?"

Poppy: "Sure." She yawned. "But still, i feel like something happened yesterday. or maybe it is because of that annoying bitch venessa. God knows where she went this morning."

Anastasia didn't understand why poppy hated venessa so much. "Why do you hate her? I mean she sounds very sweet to me."

Poppy shook her head. "That sweetness is just a facade. Even i don't want to hate her but i can't help it. Her energy is very weird. I think she is in some kind of cult or something because once  in our childhood after her parents died, she killed a poor puppy and said that, by doing that she is going to get her parents back. I mean, isn't it weird?"

It was infact very weird. No one knew that she is going to come back except poppy and as much she knew her. Poppy might have told her family about it.

And yesterday, the cult leader also knew she was going to come back. So does that mean venessa informed them? Or maybe her minds are making weird scenario's.  She needs to find the truth ASAP.

Emily came out from her bedroom and looked at the food Anastasia was making. "I am very hungry. Give me something to eat." She sat on her chair. Even her head was paining very much.

Anastasia handed poppy her coffee and looked at Emily. "Did you brushed your teeth?"

Emily lied. "Yes, i did."

But Anastasia caught her lie. "Don't you dare lie to me! Go brush your teeth and then come back!" She yelled loudly.

Emily rolled her eyes and left the room. "Okay fine!"

Poppy looked at her with admiration. "How do you catch someone's lie so fast?"

Anastasia: "It's my intuition and they are never wrong."

Poppy: "Ohh, so you are a pyschic? Huh?"

Anastasia winked. "Kind of." After finishing making breakfast she sat on the chair. "By the way, i am going somewhere so can you please take care of mom? She is sick."

Poppy was surprised. "What!? And you didn't told me about it? How is she!?"

Anastasia: "She is fine now but she needs someone to take care of her. If you are busy then i can ask Emily...."

Poppy: "No, no no no. I can take care of her and infact today's is my job's holiday so i don't think i have anything to do. So go tension free. Alright? I am here."

Anastasia holded poppy's hand "Thanks, i don't know what i will do without you."

Poppy laughed. "Stop being so emotional! You will make me cry." She wiped her fake tears. "By the way, where are you going? Do you have a date?"

Anastasia made a serious face. "Seriously!? My mother is sick and you think i will go in a date by leaving her like this?"

Poppy: "What's wrong with dating? It's been years since you broke up with your last boyfriend. So you should move on."

Anastasia: "I am moved on. It just, i don't want to be in a relationship anymore. My last boyfriend was very sweet but the problem was me... I was not ready for a long time commitment, that's why we broke up... So from that time, i decided to only focus on my studies, nothing else." She drank her orange juice.

She looked at her phone and noticed that it was already 10:55 am. Ezen is going to eat her alive if she came late.

Anastasia: "Oh shit! I am late. Bye pops." She took her purse and ran hurriedly. But she stopped when she saw Emily. "Bye Emily. Don't forget to eat your breakfast." She ran outside of the house.

Emily was confused. "Where the hell is she going!?"