"One more glass of beer please." Anastasia ordered the waitress for more alcohol in her drunkard state.
She already drank 2 glass of beer. If she drink more then she is going to pass out for sure.
The waitress who was also her classmate, looked at her with concerning eyes. "What happened Anastasia? You already drank enough. You should stop drinking."
Based on what she knows, she heard Anastasia had very low alcohol tolerance. If that's the case then why is she drinking too much?
"By chance, Are you dealing with heart break? Are you in pain?" The waitress asked.
"I am not in pain Emma. I just need few more drinks. That's it." She said in low tone.
Anastasia was occasional drinker. She would only drink if she was in pain or to relieve her stress.
Right now, she was drinking so she could forget about the thing Poppy did with her. Atleast by being drunk she won't stress.
The waitress was hesitant to offer Anastasia more drink. But she gave it to her anyway. After all she would get more pay by that.
Anastasia held the glass of beer in one hand and chugged it all in one go.
After drinking it, her visions started to turn hazy. The bar she was at, people who were dancing. Even the loud music was making her sick.
Seeing Anastasia's condition, the waitress sighed. She took out her phone and started dialling Anastasia's mom's number in it. Thank goodness she had it in case of emergency.
While the waitress was busy informing Claudia about her state.
Anastasia started hallucinating bunch of blue butterflies flying towards the exit. Because of being drunk, she didn't had any control over herself.
By finding the butterflies amusing. She begin to follow them without saying anything to the waitress.
When the waitress was done talking with Claudia. She noticed Anastasia was long gone. "What the hell!" She was about to leave to find her but that time many new customers came for more drink. Because of her boss watching her, she didn't dare to go after her. And begin to serve the customers.
"Wow! Master this sky looks so beautiful today." Sam glanced towards the stars while sitting on Ezen's shoulder.
"Yeah it is." He tried to get the raven off his shoulder. "Why do you always sit here? Don't you have wings?"
"Master I do have wings. But if I fly then I won't be able to talk to you." The raven replied. "By the way, why are we walking? If you want to go somewhere then can't we just teleport?"
"Sure we can. But right now, I am walking because I want to breathe fresh air. You know how much it suffocated inside the forbidden forest." Ezen said while remembering the time.
"Ohh." Sam nodded. "So the lady over there is also out to breath fresh air?"
Ezen became confused when he heard it. "Which lady?" He stopped and stared at the place sam was staring.
There he noticed a girl standing in the edge of the terrace. If her balanced lose then she would trip and fall to her death.
Ezen became stunned when he saw who the person was. "Anastasia!? What the hell! What is she doing there?"
By following the blue butterflies, Anastasia reached towards the terrace. She wanted to touch the butterflies that's why she raised her arms towards them.
The butterflies was flying very higher that's why she was unable touch them. After a while, she had an idea. She climbed on the edge of terrace and moved forward to catch the butterflies. But a voice caught her off guard.
"You are trying to do suicide!?"
"Suicide!? Who is doing that?" The sudden voice made her startled and soon it made her foot imbalanced. She was about to fall when a strong arms grabbed her.
After slipping from the terrace, Anastasia fell into Ezen's arms and both of them fell on the ground.
Anastasia who was now laying on top of Ezen. Felt her heartbeat raising faster. Her face looked flustered. She didn't expected him to be here at this time.
She tried to get out from his arms but Ezen tightened up his grip more around her waist. He held Anastasia in his arms as if she would vanish if he let her go.
"Are you crazy!? Why were you standing there?" He was worried, thinking what would have happened if he was not here. His heart felt trembling.
"I was just trying to catch those blue butterflies." She said innocently. "I don't know how I got up there."
"Just don't do that again. Alright!?" He warned her. His heart feeling more heavier than before.
"Okay." Anastasia nodded obediently. She also could feel how much his heart was beating right now. It was like he was in trouble not her.
"Is the lady alright?" Sam came towards them while flying.
"Oh my god." Anastasia felt her head heavy. "Is this raven really talking or am I just hallucinating?" She leaned on Ezen. "I really don't understand what's happening."
"Kya…" Sam jumped with excitement. "Are you the lady who saved me that time?" He remembered the time when he was very badly injured. That time a lady touched him and resurrected his soul.
Anastasia started to remember the incident. "You mean- in the forbidden forest? You are the raven that I saved?"
"Yeah!" Sam laughed.
"Wait! When did you guys met?" Ezen got confused.
"I met him before you." Anastasia smiled and moves closer towards him because of feeling cold. She closed her eyes and felt so comfortable that she begin to feel sleepy.
"Hey! Don't sleep. We need to go." Ezen tapped her cheek gently. He sighed because he knew that she is not going to wake up easily.
While he was trying to wake her up, he heard a phone rigging.
He picked the phone which was on the ground and checked the name of the person who called.
"Anastasia wake up. You have a call from your mother." He tried to wake her up but Anastasia was already asleep in his arms. Even if he screams she won't be able to hear it.
After sighing, he decided to pick the call.
When Ezen picked the call, he heard a woman's voice from the other side.
"Anna? Where are you? Emma said you are drunk. Are you okay?" Claudia bombarded with questions. Not knowing it was Ezen on the other side.
"Actually, Anastasia is sleeping. She can't speak right now." Ezen said in low voice so Anastasia's sleep won't get disturbed.
"Ohh." Claudia was stunned when she heard a guy pick Anastasia's phone. She felt very nervous. "Is she alright?"
"Yeah she is. She drank too much. Maybe that's why she got unconscious." He looked at Anastasia who was sleeping in his arms. "Don't worry I'll drop her home."
"Okay." Based on how he was talking, Claudia thought he was her boyfriend that's why she was not very tense. "Please take care of her."
After saying that, their call ended. Anastasia's phone was not charged. It currently had very low battery. That's why the call ended on its own.
"What am I supposed to do now?" Ezen said while looking at Anastasia who was snoring.
"Pick her up." Sam said while demonstrating with his wings. "Do it bridal style."
"Bridal style? What has gotten into your mind lately?" Saying that, he picked Anastasia up in his arm and stood up. "Let's teleport in her room."
After sometime Ezen teleported in Anastasia's room and threw her on the bed.
It was already 2:00 am now. If he would have came from the front door then it would have interrupt everyone's sleep.
To not disturb anyone, Ezen brought Anastasia inside secretly without anyone's knowing.
After putting Anastasia on her bed. He kneeled down and took out Anastasia's shoes from her leg.
He then went closer towards her and covered her body with a blanket.
After making sure she was asleep. He was about to leave when he heard someone's voice.
"No! Daddy!?" Anastasia whined in her dream. Tears started to drip from her eyes.
She was dreaming again about that incident when she and her father Ellis were going somewhere by a car.
Anastasia was only 5 year old that time. She was trying to show something to her father when suddenly a huge truck came and crashed into their car.
In that accident, Anastasia survived and only ended up with smaller injuries. But on the other hand her dad was in terrible state. He was wounded everywhere. His head was bruised badly. He was in great pain but he still smiled at his daughter and comforted her so she won't cry by seeing him like this.
Till the time paramedic arrived there. Ellis was already dead. He took his last breath in his daughter's arms.
For years Anastasia kept blaming herself for the accidents. She had survival guilt. Because of that she kept dreaming about this incident whenever she was stressed.
"No! It's not my fault." Anastasia clenched her blanket tightly. "I didn't do anything." Anastasia started to cry.
Seeing her like this, Ezen went towards her and held her hand tightly. "Calm down. Nothing happened. You're fine." He said while consoling her.
Even though Anastasia was still asleep, but after hearing this from him, she started to calm down a bit. She was not panicking like before.
After a while, Anastasia again fell asleep while holding his hand.
Ezen glanced at Anastasia's pale face which looked like a baby while she was sleeping. Her face looked red and swollen and her mascara was ruined because of crying too much.
Even though her makeup was ruined. Ezen still found her face cute. There was no denying that Anastasia was a attractive woman.
From the moment they met, he actually never looked at her. He only thought her as a key to his freedom, nothing else. He only saw her as someone who can help him with his mission.
But now, after spending so much time with each other. He began to notice her more. Now he knows all Anastasia's flaws, hobbies everything. How can this happen? With in just few meetings how can he know everything about her?
Is meeting Anastasia just coincidence or was it already preplanned?
Ezen glanced at her face and noticed that once upon a time he met someone who used to look exactly like her. But whenever he tried to remember who the person was, he forgets about everything.
"Have we met before?" Ezen asked softly.
He didn't got any answer from her because she was sleeping. He don't know why he asked this question. It just slipped through his mouth on its own.
He glanced at the clock and noticed it was already late. "Damn. I should leave now."
Before he could leave, he felt someone holding his hand tightly like they didn't wanted him to go.
"Complete your sentence. Have we met or not?" Anastasia asked while trying to get up from the bed. She was still hung over because of the alcohol. That's why as she walked towards him her feet trembled.
She was about to fall when Ezen caught her.
"How cliche." Anastasia chuckled. "Now even I am having doubts. Do we have a past connection or what?" Seeing Ezen's dumbfounded expression Anastasia had an naughty idea.
"Do you think the coincidence happens with us, happens with everyone else too?" Anastasia wrapped her arms around Ezen's neck and looked at him sensually. "You know what I mean right?"
Ezen was taken aback by her behaviour but he knew all this was just a drunk talk. "I know what you mean but I don't think you know what you are saying." He tried to make her sit on the bed. "How about you sleep? It's late."
"Don't tell me you are scared of kissing." Anastasia laughed.
"I am not scared of anything." Ezen seemed serious.
"Oh yeah? Then prove it." Anastasia crossed her arms. "Tomorrow is our wedding right?" She bitted her lips. "What about a practice session?"
"Think before you wish for anything." His eyes darkened. "Don't forget that I am a demon. If I do something then I don't leave my task unfinished."
"Well… I am happy I met someone who thinks like me." She smirked and looked into his eyes.
Soon there eyes met and distance between them ended.
Anastasia breath hitched as his lips brushed hers. She started to feels chills down her back and neck as he touched her.
She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his, sparks started to ignite as the kiss happened. Her body seemed to float as his took her in his arms and begin print kisses on her soft lips.
Anastasia didn't expected him to be so good at this. He said he never had a girlfriend. If that's the case then how is this possible? Maybe he lied to her. Thinking about it, it made her little jealous. While kissing she accidentally bitted his lips, making it bleed.
Ezen wiped the blood from his lips with thumb and looked at Anastasia with more desire looming through his heart. He thought Anastasia wanted him to be rough that's why he pressed her on the bed.
Anastasia was little stunned by this, but as he came closer her mind begin to burst with unwanted thoughts. The sandalwood smell coming from him was making more restless. She leaned in and they shared a passionate kiss.