Testudo Lead from the Front.

"Commander, let me lead them in," requested Li Song, "If you get yourself killed…."

"Pharoah is in this mess because of us, because of me. I'm responsible for bringing them back." Most military units would indeed frown upon me, so senior an "officer" leading from the front and getting in the way.

"Aye, sir," he replied.

But Legion draws strength from having its officers and leaders right there in the thick of things. If I fall, I fall, and the chain of command exists for a reason.

They formed up behind me. First, as a loose group, lacking all appearance of discipline. There was some laughter, some back-slapping. They fell into rough lines of five and ten ranks deep.


Within the first three steps, we synchronized our actions and movements and advanced as a unit. Cohesion seemingly sprang out of nowhere. The spacing evened out.
