Chapter 2 Royal Higness

(MC is not a pedo)(also made a mistake, there are 5 human continents)(also population is wrong as well it is way larger then 1 trillion)

Han-Min woke up in a large bed which felt quite comfortable. He got up and looked around and the room looked ancient and had no shred of technology at all.


[status, friends, community, trade, shop...]


[status: Name: Han-Min

Age: 9 (22)

Title: nill-

Class: cultivator

race: Dragon/Phoenix

Cultivation: 2nd stage of strength training realm (0/200)

Skills: 20 claw strike (4 claws), Azure Dragon Cultivation Technique, comprehension (max)

Inventory: nill-]

"Wow, 2nd stage....what's that?" Han-Min then remembered that strength was measured in realms and strength training was the beginning.

"I'm only 9? I sure am talented"

In the Infinity Realm, everyone started cultivation at the age of 8. Average people took years and years just to reach the 1st stage, talented people took a few years while geniuses took less than 3 years.

"Ooh let's see how good this comprehension is"

Han-Min stood in a stance and attacked with the might of a dragon, from his fingers came 10 claws, next time was 12, then 14, then 17, and 19 one last time was 20 claws.

"I have mastered the 20 claws strike? A high-grade skill"

Han-Min went to the friend section and put in the game Ids of his 5 friends and they showed up with their original names.

Han-Min created a group for the 6 of them.

Han-Min: where are y'all? And who?

Dak-Ho: I am the young master of the Ho family

Chul Moo: Brother hoe!

Dak-Ho: Shut it Cow!

Chul-Moo: I'm a prince of a medium grade kingdom

Dak-Ho: pff I'm a Nobel in the continent while you are a royal of a lowly kingdom

Chul-Moo: Shut up Hoe

Dark-Ho: Oh I'm so sorry your royal highness! Forgive me hahaha

Dak-Ho: what about you Han-Min?

Han-Min: the AI said I'm the third prince of the Azure continent

Chul-Moo: Huh?! The Azure continent? The dragon continent? The strongest continent under the immortal continent?

Han-Min: How do you know all this?

Chul-Moo: it was released in the official forum created for the game

Han-Min: Where are the Others?

Dak-Ho: the other three are apparently on the other continents

Chul-Moo: what continent are you in?

Dak-Ho: in the Eodith Continent

Chul-Moo: I'm in the Igoth Continent

'That means that those three could be in the other 3 continents?'

Han-Min: they haven't accepted my friend request yet


Chul-Moo: same here

Han-Min:ok continue your games let's meet in the future but before I leave tell me your age and strength

Dak-Ho: age is 15 and 4th stage of strength training

Chul-Moo: age 18 6th stage of strength training, what about you?

Han-Min: age 9 2nd stage strength training realm

Dak-Ho: As expected of the boss

Chul-Moo: I have some stuff to do let's talk later

Everyone said their byes and left.

Han-Min also looked up another ID the president had given him which was his.

[added friend Ji-Hoon]

Han-Min: your playing to president?

Ji-Hoon: Ofcourse, why wouldn't I, I'm also searching for bugs as well

Han-Min: did u get the report of the bug I found?


Han-Min: what was I supposed to do? I had to calm my brother

Ji-Hoon:…where are you?

Han-Min: I'm the third prince of the Azure continent!

Ji-Hoon: General Hoon Greets his majesty!

Han-Min: what? Your in the azure continent?

Ji-Hoon: yeah, I'm the commanding general, under the king

Han-Min: how old and what strength?

Ji-Hoon: hehe, I'm only at the first stage of Houtian realm and 65 years old

Han-Min: your going to die soon? Don't worry I'll give you the best grave in the continent

Ji-Hoon: don't joke about this grandpas death, we have prolonged life and I can live for a several thousand years, also the game world is twice as fast as the real world so 2 days in here is 1 day outside, it will be normal when the game is officially released.

Han-Min: what's the point if one can be born as a powerhouse?

Ji-Hoon: this is a privilege for us the others can only choose to be a slave, servent, commoner, low class family, medium class family, high class family, royal of a kingdom with money, and above that is a noble of a continent.

Ji-Hoon: I'll request for a meeting with you

Han-min: Alright

Han-Min closed the menu and saw that he was wearing sleeping clothes so he changed to his daily clothes when a servant had come to knock on the door.

"Third prince the Commanding General has requested to meet with you" when Han-Min opened the door he saw the servant shivering in fear and behind her was a toppling figure of the commanding General Ji-Hoon.

"You can leave" Ji-Hoon said before he closes the door.

"So what happens to our body when we log off?"

"They will continue as normal, the cabin has read your mind and knows what you are going to do, you can also ad orders for the avatar to do certain things when offline"

Han-Min and Ji-Hoon talked some more before he gave him news.

"Han-Min I have a mission from the emperor your Grandfather and I will have to go to the other continent to help subjugate some demon beasts which are way stronger then monster beasts"

"I don't care, go….before that give me some goodies…" Han-Min eye shined with greed

"I knew you'd ask for something, here is a Qi gathering pill 1 pill give you 50 exp and there is about 10 in the bottle, and here is a top grade martial skill called shadowless steps"

"Thank you commanding general" Han-Min looked at the goodies and a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Looks like your true emotions are coming out again" Ji-Hoon remembered the last time he was this excited was his first win then he got less excited as it became easier and easier to win.

"Alright bye" Ji-Hoon left after giving him the things.

Han-Min grabbed the bottle and chugged the pills down his throat.

+50 exp

+50 exp

Total of 500 exp.

[ congratulations you have broken through to the 3rd stage of strength training, congratulations your have broken through to the 4th stage of strength training]

"Heh I'm as strong as Dak-Ho" Han Min was still 9 so he had 2 years to grow strong as possible.

He sat down on the bed and started circulating the cultivation technique and gained 1 exp in 10 minutes which is amazing and all but it was still to slow.

"I gain exp from killing monsters no? Like an rpg game" he couldn't really remember the last rpg game he played as there too many copy's.

"Servant get a guard to get me a rank 0 monster beast"

The servant ran quickly and after an hour a guard had come with a rank 0 monster beast, when Han-Min saw the Guard above his head was a name with the '[]' brackets.

'A player?'

"Tyrant Gamer? God? Is that you?" The guard looked at the name and appearance and instinctively kneeled down.

"I'm your number 1 fan!"

"Your a player?"



"Dragon? No way! Only the royals and the noble possess dragon blood we guards can only obtain 1 drop every year"

"Oh, how many players are in the palace?"

"So far I haven't seen many, but I had taken a glance at the second princess and she had a name tag to"

"Her name?"

"Uhhh Hei-Ran"

"Who ran?"


The servant girl had long disappeared so they talked normally and Han-Min bowed to the guard a few times when he realized that in the real world he was much older then him.

"Please don't bow to me I will die if someone sees this"

"Oh I'm sorry, Hak-Kun"

"Just call me Hak your highness"

Han-Min felt awkward to call someone older then him by their first name.

"Hak…let me kill this beast and see if I get exp"

"You won't"


"The community chat, someone already tried that and it won't give exp unless it's a real battle"

"Ugh" Han-Min looked at the beast and looked back at Hak

"Give it to the chefs and tell them to prepare me lunch"

"Yes third prince"

"give word that I want to meet with the 2nd princess"

The guard bowed and left which made Han-Min feel-awkward again.

His words had traveled throughout the palace and finally landed on Hei-Rans ear and she agreed.

While all that had been happening Han-Min was practicing the shadowless steps he had gotten from Ji-Hoon and had almost mastered it. He just needed repetition.

The next day Han-Min and Hei-Ran were in Room sitting in front of each other.

"Hei-Ran…I don't know who that is so how'd you afford the dragon race?"

"I am a model that just debuted and I have made some money, I was chosen when they did the civilian choosing"

Han-Min looked at her and realized that she didn't look half bad.


"What the fuck, am I not only 9 years old? Why is it so big!"

"That's your question?!" Hei-Ran screamed while blushing then drips of water appeared from her lower clothes.

"What the hell, I'm only 10 why!"

Han-Min remembered the sensitive bug but he got erect from a 10 year old?….did he become a pedophile?

"This is just a bug" he looked at Hei-Ran and she looked mature for her age, he also remembered that when he looked in the mirror he also looked older then 9 but his height was still short.

"When is it going to be fixed?"

"Ji-I mean the president said that by the end of today"

"Ok, let's talk tomorrow then"

"I'm sorry if this was uncomfortable miss Ran"

"No it's okay it's just a bug so please don't mind anything that happened"

"Yes let's just forget today"


Hei-Ran had returned to her residence and Han-Min cleaned up the mess.

"This is the first time I'm getting erected cause of a girl…is it truly just a bug?" His eyes shines again with the same greed he had when he was asking for something from Ji-Hoon.

"Have I found someone? Why not…it's gotten very boring these days and I haven't had anyone I can talk to personally about my feelings and stuff…" Han-Min felt embarrassed but he was confident, he wanted to get a girlfriend.

His friends already had girls friends and were going to marry and have kids in the future but Han-Min was still single. So in between them they kept making jokes that he was going to be single for ever.

"But I have to proceed with caution"

Next Day

"Let's get married"


After Hei-Ran left the 3rd prince room she went back to her residence. And quickly changed clothes, she felt embarrassed because she remembered that the game uses the real world appearance.

"I get the senses but really? Why is this a thing" Hei-Ran blushed when she remembered what happened, before she was a model she had a crush on Han-Min…Who didn't? She had seen his body and his muscles looked as if it was sculpted by the gods themselves.

"There's no one in this palace that is a player and I'm 23….this is my chance to connect with the Tyrant Gamer and the Supermodel Han-Min"

Next Day

"Will you Go out with me?"



(Because they are technically children, their bodily features have not developed, although Han-Min still has his massive Dong, the girl is not full developed in certain areas, and yes this novel is part pleasure so don't take everything serious. And somethings might be forced. Also I will look for a picture that looks like Hei-Ran)