The Keys

Immediately, everyone who was conscious exited the wagon with Mr. Cortes being the last to exit, even going so far as to lock the wagon door. As Beelzebub banged away at the door, Alexander and Roxana both stood there, staring up at the locked door with their backs arched, their ears flattened and their eyes narrowed. They had no idea if the Albino Chimpanzee would come breaking through, but they were fully expecting him to.

Running a hand through his hair, Mr. Cortes looked to Alan and said: "Alright, lad, now let's go get those keys to save the young lady!"

Ears perking up, Alexander stared at Mr. Cortes with wide eyes. The keys? The keys that Herr von Fell kept on his person? Herr von Fell who was now unconscious in a locked wagon with an angry troglodyte banging against the door?

"Those would be the keys that von Fell keeps on his person nearly all the time, John?" asked Mrs. Cortes, a deadpan expression upon her countenance.

Alexander continued to stare at Mr. Cortes, his eyes growing wide, his knees beginning to shake and his mouth proceeding to hang open. Taking a moment to regain his composure, Mr. Cortes said: "Uh… Yes, well… Uh, best check von Fell's wagon to see if he left the keys there. Junior, go and get the strongman just in case, I know the strongest metal he can break is bronze, but let's hope he can suddenly break… Whatever it is the cages are made of."

Still staring, this time with narrowed eyes, Alexander suddenly heard the sound of the wagon door beginning to break. Turning in alarm, the Northern caracal wondered if Beelzebub was truly merely a chimpanzee or if he was some beast from that Acheron that he had heard spoken of.