
Gemma Cook was sixteen years of age, slender and stood at a height of five feet and six inches. She was light-skinned, with large reddish-brown eyes and long, straight red hair that went down to her waist. Her mouth was cute, her face honest and her legs good. Overall, she was fairly attractive. Her pink turban had been torn from her head, her blue kimono ripped by the mandrills and a few of the primates had stolen her shoes, only to promptly hurl them outside of the cage in boredom. Thus, she was left with her golden earrings, triangular in shape, and her undergarment: a white chemise and a pair of leggings.

Sitting in the cage, Gemma trembled in fear. The mandrills had been content with grabbing her clothing, but she was left to wonder how long until they sought blood.

When Alan arrived with Alexander, Roxana and Mr. and Mrs. Cortes, Young Cortes was arriving himself with the strongman. Running forward with the keys, Alan immediately got to work trying to find the key for the cage, only for a large, male mandrill with his magnificently coloured face to gaze upon the red-headed boy. Noticing the bull mandrill, Alexander glared and flattened his ears, something that Roxana had done the moment she saw the cage.

"Hold it, young fella." Said the strongman. "I'll handle this." Alas, try as he might, the fact was the cage was not made of bronze but iron. Thus, the strongman sighed in defeat, looked to Alan and said: "Carry on."

Continuing with the keys, Alan asked: "Are you alright, Gemma?"

"A little bit underdressed, but unharmed, Alan." Gemma replied. Noticing the King Mandrill, she whispered: "Be careful."

Noticing the King Mandrill as well, Alan nodded as he continued searching for the correct key. Alexander crouched down, narrowed his eyes and flattened his ears against his skull. He was ready as was Roxana, preparing to jump at the King Mandrill just as her mate was.

The moment Alan found the correct key was the moment the two caracals grew tense. Fur standing on end, Alexander and Roxana watched as the cage door opened and the King Mandrill jumped forward ahead of Gemma, going straight for Alan.

Like a ball from a cannon, Alexander leapt! Knocking the primate out of the way, the Northern Caracal briefly turned to watch as Gemma exited the cage she had been imprisoned within, followed by Alan quickly closing the cage door and locking it. Looking back at the King Mandrill, a growl emitted from Alexander's throat before emerging from his mouth as a hiss. The Bloodthirsty Monkey, his equal in shoulder height, bared his fangs before letting out an aggressive scream and charging.

In a flash, Alexander struck! Slashing the King Mandrill across the face, the Northern Caracal gave another hiss, hoping to cow the primate. Alas, the King Mandrill was not easily cowed, nor did he have the intelligence to try out a different tactic. Seven more times did the King Mandrill charge forward and seven more times did Alexander strike, until the King Mandrill decided to switch to a different target.

Alas, that target was Roxana. What resulted was a repeat of what the King Mandrill had received from Alexander.

Again, the King Mandrill turned his attention to a different target. Looking to Gemma, he leapt forward only to find both Alexander and Roxana upon him. What ensued was a quick and brutal battle.

The King Mandrill was dead. He may have been the mightiest amongst his kind in the cage, but against the caracals he was nothing. He did not even manage to get a single hit.

"Herr von Fell always did say he was no Beelzebub." Commented Mrs. Cortes, as she removed her shawl and put it on Gemma. "Here you go, dear. It is unfit for a lady to be out in her undergarments."

"Well, we best lend her some of our daughters' old clothes then, Jane." Said Mr. Cortes. "I don't think your shawl will be enough."

"That will not be happening." Everyone turned to see Herr von Fell armed with his crossbow with Hermann upon his shoulder. Beside him stood Beelzebub while behind the two stood Salazar, a hulking crimson-skinned brute and a young woman. No doubt the crimson-skinned brute was Diego while the young woman was Carol, though Alexander could not tell why Mrs. Cortes would say she wasn't human, but what he could tell was that is was her scent he had smelled earlier. She looked perfectly normal. Glaring furiously, the Prussian uttered: "No one is leaving this place! The girl will be an attraction in my circus, Alan's head will be on my wall and whoever it was who struck me will be put to death!" Casting his gaze upon the strongman, the Devil took a whistle out of his pocket and said: "Beelzebub! Samson."

Staring at the strongman, Beelzebub awaited the blow of the whistle. Watching as the strongman tripped over his own feet in an attempt to escape, the Monkey-Man proceeded grunt excitedly. He was going to enjoy this.

Eyes wide, Alexander stared in horror as the whistle was blown and Beelzebub charged forward. While Gemma hid her face in Alan's shoulder and Mr. Cortes held his terrified wife and son close, the two caracals could only stare in horror as the unmatched savagery of a chimpanzee was let loose upon the strongman.

When all was done, Beelzebub stared down upon the body of the strongman before proceeding to beat the lifeless husk three times. Once he had finished, he turned his sights upon Alexander and glared with fangs bared.