Dance time

"Ok, can we please have the first performer?" JYP requests. The first person to come out is Ra Chan-wook. He walks onto the stage and introduces himself and the song he is going to dance to, which is Hello by SHINee. He then proceeds to perform. The judges nod along to the music, they talk to each other and note a few things done during the performance. Once it ends JYP thanks him and calls for the next performance. It continues like this all the way through. Akira is the next one to perform, he dances to Lucifer which is also by SHINee. He does very well. The dance is clean, energetic and well-practised. The judges nod as they note things down. JYP thanks him and calls for the next while smiling. Sim Hyun-Shik comes to the stage and dances to Paradise by Infinite, then Youngjae performs to I'll be back by 2PM, followed by Hayashi performing to MAMA by EXO. Next is DongBang the favourite to win this challenge. He walks onto the stage and bows to the judges. "Hello, my name is DongBang Kyong, I will be dancing to B.A.P's Warrior. He then immediately gets ready and the music starts. His movements are strong, quick and refined. He shows perfect body control over his limbs as he executes each move. JYP and Jackson Wang are nodding their head and bouncing to the beat. Sunmi is moving side to side. He continues to dance energetically. The song comes to an end with him performing a backflip, he lands at the perfect time, with the sound of a gunshot the song finishes. The three judges stand up and clap. He thanks them and leaves the stage. Following DongBang is Seol Young who walks on with a scowl. No one would be happy following that performance, but Seol Young is even angrier. he performs to Search for a Dream by Fanclub. The performance is a little disappointing but that is mainly due to DongBangs performance previously. Next is Sim Kyu-Bong who dances to If you do by GOT7. He smashed it. The performance was great. He put a lot of effort into the choreography, and it was evident to see. The dance was clean and fit well with the song. He put power into his movements but held back in the right spots. It was easily one of the top 4 performances this time around. Finally, it was my turn. I leave the dressing room and walk backstage. I take a few deep breaths before walking on. I walk to the centre of the stage, bow and introduce myself. "Hello, my name is Chu Jin-Ho, I will be dancing to Flower by Lee Seunghwan. Sunmi and Jackson Wang both turn to JYP with questioning looks. They both know that the songs were assigned to the trainees by JYP. So they wondered why I had received a song that was completely different to all of the other songs. JYP just ignored their gazes and waited for me to continue. I took up my position in the centre of the stage.

The music starts. JYP, Sunmi and Jackson Wang all watch as I begin to perform a dance in a Ballet style. Suddenly they realise a difference in the song, JYP leans forward and sharpens his gaze. Sunmi looks impressed and Jackson Wang is watching intently. They could tell that it wasn't Lee Seunghwan's voice and that the backing track sounded a little different to the original. The song continues at its original slow pace. About halfway through the song, however, it changes. The tempo increases, the beat and audio change completely. My dance form then changes from Ballet to hip hop. The judge's eyes all open wide as I begin to move more powerfully, and directly. The song now sounds completely different, albeit with basically the same lyrics. Only a couple of words have been changed. JYP is now nodding his head as I head towards the end of the Hip Hop portion. I begin to slow down and return to Ballet just as the song changes back. Soon the song ends. The judges all clap. I thank them and leave the stage.

About 20 minutes later we are all called back to the stage. We line up in front of the judges as they read off their comments to each of us. A few were very notable, especially:

Ra Chan-wook:

"You had an excellent interpretation of the song, strong movements, but you lacked a certain amount of subtlety in the movements" -Jackson Wang

"The dance was fun and energetic, however, felt heavily weighted and lacked an aspect of light movement" -Sunmi

"Better than last performance, but still requires a lot of work. You need more consistency in your angles and to be more precise with your movements" - JYP

Akizuki Akira:

"You were excellent. I felt the passion and enjoyment from you. Great facial expressions and your movements were fluid. You just lacked an air of grace at certain points in the song" -Sunmi

"I loved it, but you seemed to be lacking in the area of levels. You didn't move up and down enough for my liking" -Jackson Wang

"Amazing, you are a skilled dancer, definitely one of the best at JYP currently. Keep it up, and work on your timing. You slipped up in a couple of places" -JYP

Sim Kyu-Bong:

"Very nice, you performed it well. I like the story that you told. You seem to lack confidence. Remember not to hold back in your movements, and to make everything seem deliberate even if it isn't, otherwise, nice work" -Sunmi

"I'm almost being biased here as it is a song from my group, but excellent work. I liked the choreography and the energy you put in. Just keep working on brushing up on the movements, they seemed a little heavy. The more you do it, the easier it becomes" Jackson Wang

"Good. This is one of the best performances you have given so far. Keep it up, and practice hard" -JYP.

Finally, my comments came around.

"The performance was interesting. I didn't know what to expect from a ballad song, but you blew my expectations away. To incorporate Ballet into a song is not normal for Idols, but I liked it. The story you told was great, and the dance execution seemed practised and refined" -Sunmi

"The dancing was impressive, but the song reproduction was cool too. The way you switched up the beat to incorporate a couple of different dance styles was awesome and I felt like it fit well good job" -Jackson Wang.

"As usual, you have impressed me Jin-Ho. I wondered how you might deal with the issue of getting a ballad song, but you solved it in a way I didn't think about. When did you learn Ballet?"

"I've been learning it since I was 6, I stopped when I moved to Korea though" I tell him

"Amazing. Also, the rework of the song was a nice touch, it worked well to incorporate some Hip Hop into the song. Good Job" Jyp smiled.

Following the comments, JYP announced that they will now reveal the results.