Bonus Chapter

Today was a warm day. I had woken up early and managed to get some practice in early. I had just joined my entertainment company this year. They were already preparing for our debut, although they said that it wouldn't happen until 2015. Seeing as we had finished our training early today and the day was amazing, we had decided to go out for a walk at the nearest park. The craziest thing is who I saw at the park. While walking through the middle of the park we couldn't help but notice a large group of young teenagers together having a picnic. At first, we just thought it was a school group hanging out after school. But I got rather interested after I saw one of the teen's hair. It was White! After that, I couldn't help but keep looking to see if I could figure out if it was him! Unfortunately, his senses seemed very good, as he kept picking up on my gaze. As such I decided against spying and just hung out with the group, however as we walked we ended up moving closer and one of the girls noticed the group of teenagers. "OMG is that Chu Jin-Ho, Youngjae and DongBang Kyong from Project: New Dawn?!?!" One of the girls exclaimed while pointing at the group of teenagers. I looked over. From our position, we could actually see them properly now. I got a good look at the white-haired teen's faces. Oh my gosh, it was actually him. I can't believe my eyes. It had been so long since I had seen him. Last time we had both been 9 years old. My father was a friend of his and we had ended up visiting his family in Italy. We had gotten along fairly well, I seemed to develop some feelings for him at the same time. But we were only there for two months and had to leave before I could do anything. I had hoped that I might be able to meet him properly someday, then I had seen him on TV with Project: New Dawn and realised that he was a trainee at JYPE although he looked different with Black hair and hazel eyes, the name was the same and the singing voice was just as distinctive and amazing. Then he had finally revealed his proper appearance and I couldn't believe how much he had matured. He was a cute looking boy, but he was now very handsome. It made me even more excited to meet him. Now that I had finally managed to audition and become a trainee at a company, and my debut in a group was being prepared, my hope of meeting him had grown that much larger. But I didn't expect that I would see him in the flesh until after my debut. As such, while the girls were discussing things I remained quiet, but would keep glancing over at him. About 5 minutes had passed as the girls were discussing something. One of the girls, our 'leader' of sorts finally spoke up. She glanced at me and smiled while shaking her head before telling us that it was time to move on. We all headed off, I took one more glance back.

Leader POV:

That girl is in love! Our training had finished early today, so our group had decided to head out to the park for some fresh air. We had been walking for a while when we noticed a group of teenagers having a picnic. I didn't think too much of it, as it was their own business. But we couldn't help but look after one of the girls had pointed out that they were trainees from JYPE, and a couple of them were in that survival show Project: Ne Dawn that everyone was watching. I decided to humour the girls and let them gossip a bit as they didn't get much time to chat about things other than training at the moment. One girl, however, was remaining silent. She kept stealing glances over at the group and blushing. 'This girl. Seriously!' I thought while smiling. This had been going on for quite some time. Ever since the show started I believe. the first episode had aired and we decided to watch it together out of interest. While the trainees were being introduced, one of them had caused her to gasp in shock. It seemed like she knew one of the trainees. What was his name again? Chu Jin-Ho I think. Anyway. Since then she had become obsessed with the show, and whenever we watched it together she would just sit down in a corner silently and watch the show. A few times I had caught her lost in thought, or doodling in a notebook. But no matter what she was doing, it only happened when that Chu Jin-Ho was on. At first, I thought it was kinda cute, but then I realised that she had a history with him, although short and that those feelings were something big, and not just a momentary crush on a handsome trainee that was on tv. Mindful of this, I had been actively helping her behind the scenes to hide it from the other girls, as I knew they would tease her about it, and she wasn't one that could stand up to teasing. But I was also silently supporting her in her endeavour. As far as I could tell, her motivation since seeing him on the show had increased a lot. So much that her improvement during training was huge, and she was now slowly outclassing some of us older trainees. 'Ah, the power of love!' Soon though, the group that was having a picnic seemed to notice us lingering and became uncomfortable. I noticed this and decided to move us along and give them some privacy. As I suggested I noticed a small change in her attitude as she realised that we had to move on. It was kinda cute. I couldn't help but smile and shake my head. She was trapped, and there was no way for her to escape. We soon left the park, but that girl couldn't stop blushing and checking behind her now and again. I sighed and guided us back to the company. We had to get this under control, I didn't mind her liking someone like this, but if it did get in the way of her training, then I would have to deal with it somehow. I just hoped that it didn't, because she seemed a lot happier after seeing him.