Chapter 1: Foundation Ceremony

(Catherine's POV)

As I looked at the time on my watch, I realized that it was almost time for the ceremony to start. I picked up my phone and called Monique to tell her that I'd be going home late since I hadn't informed her about it yet. After a few rings, the call came through.

"Hello, Monique?"

"Cathy, hey! What's up?" Sounds of people's cheers are heard in the background.

"Where are you? Why is it so noisy out there?" I can hear the loud music playing in the background. If I'm not mistaken, she's in a bar right now. It's not a surprise to me since she's been bar hopping quite a lot of times before.

"Oh, is it so loud? Wait, I'll go out for a moment."

Monique went silent and all I could hear on the phone were noises from the place. Someone knocked on the door and announced that we should go now to the theatre hall located near the Music Department Building. Everyone responded and I stood up with my phone in my hand.

"Hey, Cathy. Still there?"

I looked at my phone when Monique suddenly spoke. The loud noise was minimized and I can hear her words clearly compared to a while ago. "Yes. Monique, I'll be coming home late this time. We had a ceremony going on here at the university and all of us are needed to attend."

"Oh, is that the foundation ceremony?"

"Yup, it's the same one every year."

Monique chuckled at her response. "Hahaha, no wonder you stayed there to attend. Of all the events in your school, the only activity that can make you attend is that foundation ceremony."

Walking out of the room, I saw a crowd of people walking towards the theatre hall. I looked for a quiet area and continued the call. "I have no choice. The Chairman is coming, so everyone needs to attend. By the way, do you need me to fetch you there? I know you will drink a lot since you're in a bar."

"Yeah sure. I'll text you the place. Call me when you get here, okay? Bye Cathy!"

"Bye Monique." After the call, I placed my phone in my coat pocket and walked towards the venue. As I entered the hall, it was almost full. The theatre hall is quite large and it can cater to up to a thousand people. The stage is placed at the front of the hall and the seats are arranged in rows where there are no desks, tables, or any furniture.

I saw the area where the staff should be seated. Since I'm one of the last people who came in, the only vacant seat is the one in the first row in the far left corner of the hall. It's beside the exit door of the room. It's a little bit remote, but I like it since there are no disturbances for me.

The ceremony was about to start in a few minutes, as the MC announced. I leaned back in my seat and looked ahead. Some teachers sitting near me are busy applying some makeup on their faces, which baffled me. 'Is it really necessary to apply too much makeup right now? It's just the Chairman and this always happens every year.'

I looked around and saw that most of the teachers, especially female teachers, had made a great effort to make their appearances. Some had worn their most expensive and pretty clothes, some even went to a salon for their hair, and some had their full make-up on.

'Who are they making themselves look pretty for? They haven't done it in the past, so why now?' My questions were answered when I heard the person beside me talk.

"You must be wondering why they are making such an effort, right, Professor Catherine?" I looked at him without any expression. The man sitting beside me is Professor Kalean Han. As far as I can remember, he is teaching economics and we're staying in the same office.

I'm not really close to any one of them, but I knew all of them. Professor Han is one of my colleagues that I could talk to once in a while. He is a bit aloof, but compared to me, he had a few friends in our circle. So, aside from work-related stuff, we don't talk much. This was the first time we had a casual conversation.

"Is it because of Chairman Lu? I don't think they have made that same effort in the past years." I looked ahead as I spoke to him in my normal tone.

"It's not Chairman Lu who is coming. It's his grandson, President Alexander Lu." I nodded as my response. I don't really care much about whoever comes. What I want is for this ceremony to end earlier so that I can go home earlier.

Our conversation ended and both of us went silent. The MC starts her introduction, which signals the start of the ceremony. I placed my entire focus on the stage, not minding the low giggles and chuckles I heard from the people sitting behind me.

As usual, the Principal of the school came on the stage and emphasized the achievements of the school. Including its long history and obstacles, the school has encountered for the past few years. It's always the same speech all the time. I'm even wondering if it's the same speech he had last year.

Nevertheless, I don't think the audience minded it though, since they are still looking very eagerly in front. Or that's what I thought.

As the principal introduced the arrival of President Lu, the atmosphere suddenly changed. By the looks of it, most girls have their eyes brightened up as soon as the Principal mentioned President Lu. 'As expected, they're waiting for President Lu."

I never once saw this President Lu before. I rarely watch any news or read any magazines that relate to business. But I have already heard from him a lot of times. He is quite famous here in the Capital City, but I never had any interest in him, so I didn't bother.

But from what I can see from the reactions of these people right now, he might be really amazing. Well, that's not really a surprise, since Chairman Lu is very charismatic despite his old age as well.

Sounds of claps and cheers echoed through the whole room as the man wearing a navy blue tuxedo walked up the stage. The lights were focused on him, making him look more charming and radiant. His tall and strong figure made him look dashing as he walked with large strides on the platform.

When he stopped in front, my world collapsed when I saw his face clearly. My heart stopped beating as I saw his clear figure on the stage. My breathing hitched for a moment and sweat was slowly covering my already cold hands. 'No way! He is President Lu?'

Not minding the heavy claps of the crowd, I slightly tapped Professor Han's shoulder with my already trembling hands. "Uhmmm. Professor Han, is it okay for you to inform the Director later if he looked for me that I went home earlier? I'm not really feeling well right now."

Professor Han must have noticed my pale appearance since he nodded. "Do you want me to send you there? You look so pale right now."

Shaking my head, I refused his offer. "I'm fine. I can go home alone. It might upset the Director if both of us are absent, so please stay."

When he nodded his head, I silently stood up and walked out of the hall. Luckily, I'm sitting near the exit door, so my disappearance is not that obvious. I can feel my feet shaking terribly as I'm walking away from the hall. The cold wind brushed past me, making me shiver.

I hurriedly went towards the parking area and went inside the car. I immediately started the car and drove out of the university. Looking on the road, scenes from my past flashed through my mind. That past where I saw that car rolled over in the heavy snow.

Searching for my phone in my pocket, I finally caught it and hurriedly called Monique. "Cathy hey! Is the ceremony over already?"

I heaved a deep sigh, trying to calm myself. "Monique, I saw him."

"Saw who?"

I bit my lips slightly and my hand holding the steering wheel tightened. "Him. That guy in the heavy snow. The last person I saved and illegally treated despite my revoked medical license. I saw him again, Monique. I saw him at the university."

Silence enveloped both of us. 'Of all places, of all people, why is he here? I'm just hoping that he didn't recognize me at all. Or else, this peace that I have right now will turn into a crumble instantly.'