Chapter 7: Three Years Ago (Suspect)

(Catherine's POV)

Weeks passed by so fast. After sending Winter to her final place, life continued as usual. It's like how the sun sets and shines again. However, no matter how it repeats its rotation, it will never be the same again. Yesterday was different from today. While tomorrow is different from today. This is how our life continued after her death.

Even if we continued living, it felt different than before. There's always emptiness in our hearts that we can't fill. Since that day, I lost my passion as well. I lost my happiness and inspiration. I mostly stayed at home most of the time. I spent less time in the hospital, which greatly shocked my colleagues.

They knew me as someone who was passionate about my job. They knew me as someone who would rather work than sleep. So, it caused them to be confused about my actions. I can't help it. I lost my will to continue to work hard. My sister is already dead, so what's the point in working hard?

It's already nearing the winter season and snow is slowly falling from the sky. I stood up from my chair and looked at my window. I stared at the night sky and the glowing lights that surrounded the whole city. 'It's so beautiful but why do I feel sad when I look at it?'

A knock on the door made me stop my thoughts. I glanced and saw that it was Dr. Thomas who entered my office. "Dr. Thomas, what brings you here at this time?"

He glanced at my table and frowned. He saw the boxes filled with my things. I filed an indefinite leave from the hospital. The Director approved it since I had never had any leaves before and also because of my current performance in the hospital. So, he told me to rest and clear my mind.

"Catherine, what are you doing? Did you file an indefinite leave? Why?" He asked as he walked towards me.

I walked back to my table to continue packing. "I can't work properly now Dr. Thomas. You know my current performance. It's not the same as before. I'm not as passionate and efficient as I used to be. It will be a hindrance to them. So, I'll be leaving for a while."

He suddenly grabbed my hand when I was about to place my medical books inside the box. I looked at him in the eyes and saw something in them. "Let go, Dr. Thomas. I'm packing my things. I have a flight to catch tomorrow and I need to finish this."

He refused to let go and just stared at me. I was getting confused by his sudden actions. There was something unexplainable in the way he looked at me. I started to feel uncomfortable so I struggled to free up my hand, but he is much stronger than I am. "What are you doing Dr. Thomas?! Let go of my hand!"

I stared coldly at him when I couldn't free myself from his grip. "What do you want Dr. Thomas?"

With his cold gaze, he answered, "Withdraw the leave you filed. You can't leave this hospital without my permission, Catherine."

Confusion plastered in my eyes. "And why should I do that, Dr. Thomas? Who are you to stop me from leaving?"

He smirked and pulled my arms towards him. Now, I can see his face clearly, especially the expression his eyes are conveying. He's angry but I don't understand the reason why. "I'm your mentor Catherine and we are not yet done with our research, so you can't leave. Cancel your flight right now, you are not leaving."

A cold smile flashed on my lips as I listened to him. 'Research? To hell with that research. There's no use for me to continue doing that. My sister is already dead, it's useless!

"Research, you say? It's useless! I'm abandoning that research once and for all. It's no use stopping me with that. My decision is final. I'm leaving whether you like it or not." I pulled my hand forcefully and managed to free it from his grip.

I grabbed my bag and the box, then walked towards the door. Before I opened it, I looked at him one last time. "I'm thankful for your help all this time, Dr. Thomas. However, I can't continue it. My passion has been lost already. I'm sorry. Goodbye Dr. Thomas, thank you for everything."

With my free hand, I opened the door and walked out of my office. I hurriedly went outside and glanced back at the hospital. 'I don't know when I will return. Nothing is certain for now. I'm going to find myself first and maybe, just maybe, we will see each other again soon.'

A taxi stopped in front of me. I didn't bring my car with me this morning so I hailed a cab. The driver helped me with my things and placed them in the trunk. I went inside and rode off home. As the car maneuvered through the city streets, I rested my head on the backrest and looked outside.

"It's beautiful". I said in a small voice.

The driver must have heard it because he replied, "Ma'am, do you like snow?"

His question made me look at him. He glanced at me using his rearview mirror. "Ma'am, I noticed you've been looking at the snow for a couple of minutes already. So, I thought you liked snow."

I looked back outside after hearing his reply. "It's not the snow that I like. It's the season itself."

The driver nodded and did not continue the talk. Silence filled the car as it drove past the streets. Soon, we're already at my house. I took my things and went inside.

As I entered the door, I saw my parents sitting in the living room. When they heard the door open, they immediately looked at me. I walked towards them and sat on the single-seater sofa, facing them. "What's the matter, dad? Mom?"

Dad stared at me before he answered. "Are you sure about leaving Catherine? What about your work at the hospital? And where will you go?"

I placed my things on the table before answering. "I have already filed for an indefinite leave at the hospital dad. The director gave his approval so I don't need to worry about it. I needed to leave dad. I need time to heal myself first. I don't think I have the strength to face my patients in my current state."

Mom looked at me teary-eyed. "Where will you go, Catherine?"

"I can't tell you, mom. I need to be away for a while. Away from everyone. I think this is the only way for me to move forward. Don't worry mom, I will be back. I'll call you every day, I promise you that."

Mom stood up and walked towards me. She suddenly grabbed my hands gently and held them. "Catherine, I will miss you. But I know you need this. Just remember, your mom and dad are waiting here for you. Remember to call me always okay?"

With a nod, mom hugged me tightly. I raised my arms and hugged her back. Dad showed me his smile of approval and I smiled back.


Morning came and the three of us were having our breakfast. Mom wanted to send me to the airport but I refused so she cooked all of my favorite meals instead. A maid came and said that there were police officers outside looking for us. Confusion plastered on our faces. Dad told her to let them in.

After a few minutes, 3 officers entered the living room. A tall officer wearing glasses approached us and talked first. "Good evening Dr. Catherine, Mr. and Mrs. Su. We're sorry for interrupting your breakfast but we came here on a very important matter. I hope you will cooperate with us."

I went closer and asked, "I don't have any idea what you are talking about, officer. Can you explain why you are here?"

Suddenly, one of the officers handed me a paper. I opened it curiously and read the contents printed on them. The detective spoke after, "We received a report, Dr. Catherine. It was stated that the death of your sister, Winter Su, was not caused by a natural death but caused by the medicine injected into her hours before she had a seizure. According to the report we received, the one who ordered this medicine was you. So, I hope that you will come with us to answer some of our questions regarding this incident."

As I listened to him, my mind went blank. I couldn't seem to process what he was saying. "Wait, for what?! So, you're saying that it was because of that injection? Officer, you must be kidding. I'm a doctor myself, so I know what medicine should be and should not be used."

Dad went to us and asked the officer. "What do you mean Catherine killed Winter? That's ridiculous!"

"I'm sorry but you have to come with us, Dr. Catherine. We are currently investigating this case and we need you to cooperate with us."

I am in total shock and I can't mutter a single word to refuse. 'Me? Suspected of killing my sister? That's ridiculous!'

Before I could say my reply, the detective suddenly came closer. "Mrs. Su, Mr. Su. Dr. Catherine is suspected of killing her younger sister. So, if you'll excuse us, we have to take her to the precinct for questioning."