Chapter 14: Investigation Report

(Third Person's POV)

Weeks have already passed since the incident happened during the Foundation Ceremony. Everything went back to normal. Catherine went back to the university to continue her class despite her fear of being seen by President Lu. She can't afford to lose this job and find another one, so she has to act as if nothing happened. Continuing her life like how it was used to be.

Capital University is one of the top universities in Capital City. It is the school where prominent figures in the city graduated from. With it being the top university, its standards and requirements for acceptance are quite high. The school made a lot of effort into choosing their students and also their staff.

The selection process is not limited to the students but also to their teaching personnel as well. All professors teaching at the university have a great background and professional experience. It was quite hard for Catherine to be accepted into this school with her unknown history.

With Monique's help, she was able to secure a job at university despite her hidden background. Monique and the university principal knew each other so the school made an exception for her. It was a good thing that her credentials are top-notch, so it was quite easier for the school to give her a slot.

Catherine taught Mathematics at the university. For the past few years, she has never gotten close with her colleagues, afraid of spilling her dark secret. She mostly spent her time in school or at home. At school, when she's on break, she would spend her time inside the teacher's office. She rarely attends any school parties or activities unless it's required or compulsory.

While in class, she rarely spoke with her students unless it was necessary. She is an aloof professor at the university. They were even calling her the "Ice Doll Professor of Capital University" because of her cold expression and her doll-like face.

Inside the campus, students are seen in every corner of the university. Some students are busy talking with their peers in the field. Some were in the cafeteria and some were in the library, reading or studying. Different types of students are seen at the university. But, one thing they have in common is that they all came from wealthy and prominent families.

Catherine went out of her office holding the files in her hand and slowly walked towards the Business Management Building. As she walked through the university grounds, murmurs and whispers echoed in the air. Different reactions are seen in every student. Some were scared, amazed, dazed, etc.

She got used to the stares as time went by. She had already experienced being publicly shamed a couple of times three years ago, so this kind of stare thrown at her didn't make her uncomfortable. At her normal pace, she walked ahead towards her class.

"Let's not delay our lesson, let's proceed with the introduction. Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities. The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary of financial transactions over an accounting period, summarizing a company's operations, financial position, and cash flows."

Catherine spoke in a clear and confident manner while explaining to her class. Engrossed with what she was doing, she became oblivious to her surroundings. Outside the room, a man was secretly taking photos of her. He immediately hid his phone when Catherine faced outside for a while.

When everything was done, the man walked out of the building discreetly and towards the parking area of the university. A black car blew a horn, signaling him to get inside. That man went inside the back seat of the car and saw a young noble figure waiting inside. "Sorry to keep you waiting, President Lu."

The man inside the car was Alexander Lu and the man who had just come in was his private detective. The private detective took the phone in his bag and handed it to him. "President Lu, here's the report I got about Ms. Catherine Su. We did a comparison with the woman in the CCTV footage before I came here and they are very similar in terms of figure."

Xander took the phone and looked at the woman on the screen. "What about the thing I asked you to investigate?"

He took a brown envelope and gave it to Xander. Alexander opened and scanned through the files handed to him while listening to the detective. "Written on the report, Ms. Su is a close friend of Monique Yang, the owner of that car. They have been living in the same apartment for three years already. She managed to secure a job at the university through the help of Ms. Yang."

"What do you mean, Ms. Yang helped her?" According to the report, he was reading, Catherine Su has great educational achievements and so. It was not hard for her to be accepted at the university. So, why did she need her friend's help?

"Ms. Su has an unclear background. During my investigation, her past work experiences, even her hometown, were not written about. So, this became an obstacle for her to secure a job, especially since the university values clean history among their staff. But, since Ms. Yang was the principal's foster daughter. He helped Ms. Su in securing this job. Fortunately, her performances for the past three years were excellent so the principal made an exemption."

"You said they have been living here for three years already. So, that means they came from a different city, right?"

"It's only Ms. Su, who is from a different city. Ms.Yang has been working here for many years already, it was only Ms.Su who moved here three years ago. I managed to get a little information about her background and it says that she came from City A before she moved here. So, there's a big possibility that she was the one who saved you three years ago based on the timeline she transferred here and your accident."

A smile crept to my lips to his response. Finally, I'm close. Just a little more push and I'll be able to get to the bottom of this. "Did you find out the reason why she left City A?"

The detective shook his head. "No sir, all the information I gave you was all that I got. But I'm going to City A tomorrow to further check Ms. Su's background. It's not easy to get any information from City A since it's a bit far from here, so it's better for me to visit it personally."

Xander nodded and placed the files back on the envelope. "I'm expecting your report next week. I want a thorough background check on Catherine Su. Every single detail must be included in it. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

After the detective left, Secretary Lin started the car and drove back to the company. Xander dialed his phone and called Michael. After a few rings, the call was picked up. "Hey, what's up Xander?"

"Michael, I need you to do something."

"What is it?"

"You wanted to build an entertainment company, right? I'll be your investor"

"What?! Seriously? I thought you didn't like the entertainment industry since it's very messy. What changed your mind?"

Xander looked at the picture of Catherine before answering, "Nothing. I just noticed that it's a good investment since that industry is fast-growing, it will also boost the image of Lu Corporation. I'll invest in one condition. Be a shareholder in Angel's Collection."

Michael laughed at Xander's condition. "Hahaha, I knew there's a condition for it. But why do you need to be their shareholder?"

Xander rolled his eyes at his friend's question. "No more questions. Just do it. Remember, do it as soon as possible. Or else, you know what I will do to you."

"Fine. Fine. Fine. No need to threaten me like that. I know, I'll do it. Don't worry, I will do it as soon as possible. Hahahaha."

He immediately turned the call off without listening further to Michael's nonsense. Michael had always planned on building an entertainment company by himself. So, it's his right to help a friend.

On the way to his office, different thoughts spread in his mind. Now that he was one step closer to knowing her, his mood brightened by a leap. He just needed to wait for the report of that detective and his plan would now start to proceed.

"Just wait, Ms. Catherine Su. I will not let you slip away again now that I have found you. Prepare yourself cause I will own you by hook or by crook. And I will not stop until I make you mine.' A smirk flashed on his lips as he thought of ways of getting her.