Chapter 16: Contract

(Monique's POV)

Ring! Ring!

I woke up from my deep slumber because of the irritating sound from my phone. "Hello?!"

"Monique! Thank God you finally answered the phone. I've been calling you a couple of times already!" So, it's my manager.

"What do you want? You just disturbed my sleep, didn't you know that?"

"What?! You're still sleeping? It's already past 9 in the morning! Hurry up and come to the office this instant!" She instantly hung up the phone before I could say my reply.

'What the hell is wrong with that psychopath old lady!' That was my manager, Michelle Chua. She was given to me by the agency when I first started working there, so we've known each other for so many years already.

We were not really on good terms. When I was still a newbie in this modeling career, she was my support. She gave me different opportunities to make me advance in my career and I'm so thankful for that.

However, everything changed. It happened four months ago, right after fashion week.


"Ms. Chua. We have a serious problem. Monique is having an allergy attack. What should we do? The start of fashion week is tomorrow and it will be hard for Ms. Monique to attend it if she looks like this."

My assistant made a phone call to my manager. I'm currently having a serious allergic reaction here in the hotel room. My face is covered with tiny red spots and it is really hard to cover it with make-up.

"What?! Okay, wait up. I'll be there in a couple of minutes." I heard her reply since the call was in loudspeaker mode.

"Ms. Monique, what should we do? Is there any medicine that we can use to reduce the swelling?" I shook my head, saying that there's no medicine for it.

"But Ms. Monique, how did you get an allergy reaction? You didn't eat any almonds yesterday."

That's what also confused me. My meals were all taken care of by the agency. Everyone in the agency knows that I'm allergic to almonds, so I don't think they neglected that part. So, I don't have any idea how I got this reaction.

"Monique!" The room door opened and Ms. Chua entered hurriedly.

"Are you okay?" she said as she sat on the bed where I'm currently sitting.

"I'm fine. But, my face is covered with red spots. What should we do with the fashion week? It's a waste if I can't attend it tomorrow. I've been preparing for it for the last couple of months."

"It's okay. I talked to the producer of the show about your case and he said that we could send a new model instead."

"What?! Send a replacement?! What about me then?!" I exclaimed as I heard her. That's ridiculous! I earned this spot with great effort and another model will take it so easily. I won't allow that!

"That's true, Ms. Chua. Ms. Monique worked hard for the fashion week. It's unfair for her if we replace her!" My assistant said.

"Calm down Monique. I know it's unfair, but what can we do? You know for a fact that these red spots on your face will vanish in a couple of days. No medicine can make it disappear. The fashion week is tomorrow and it will harm the agency's reputation if no one attends."

"But what about me then?! What will happen to me?!"

She held my hands gently and said in a soft tone, "Don't worry. I managed to get you a spot for Antoine's Fashion Show this April. You said before that you wanted to be part of his show, right? So, why don't you just take a rest and prepare for his show once you recover."

Antoine's Dresses are top-notch in the fashion industry. I've been admiring his designs, so being part of his show isn't a bad thing at all. Although it's not comparable to fashion week in Paris, it's still a great opportunity for me.

One heavy deep sigh, then I finally accepted my faith. Ms. Chua is right, there's nothing I can do about my situation. Maybe fashion week isn't really for me.


"You said that I had the slot for Antoine's Fashion Show?! What do you mean they wanted another model?!" I didn't manage to control my voice when I heard that I wasn't part of the show because they wanted another model.

"Monique, calm down. I also got shocked because they said that was their response to me. But I never thought that they would change their minds. My hands were tied and the agency decided to send Clarisse to the show."

'What?! Clarisse again! She already replaced me at the fashion week! Why is it her again?!'

"Ms. Chua, Clarisse had already replaced Ms. Monique at fashion week. It's not fair to Ms. Monique that Clarisse would take part in the show." Jasmine, my assistant, said the words I wanted to speak for myself.

"I'm sorry Monique. Don't worry, I will find you better resources aside from this one. For now, go home first and have a rest. This announcement must have shocked you, so it will be better for your mental health if you take a rest."

End of Flashback…

And the same thing happened all over again. I thought it was just a coincidence that Clarisse got the work that was meant for me. But as time went by, it was no longer a coincidence for me.

It's only a coincidence if it happens once or twice, but it's already suspicious if it is repeated a lot of times already. So, I sent Jasmine to investigate what was happening.

Weeks later, I finally found out that it was because of Ms. Chua. She was the one behind all of this mess. She's been rejecting the offers behind my back and endorsed Clarisse instead. That's why she got those jobs.

I was so angry about what happened. She betrayed me all of a sudden! I burst into anger when I shared it with Cathy but, unlike my angry emotions, she looked calm as always and said these words to me.

"Monique, why did your manager do that? What made her do that? You said before that she has been very good to you for the past years, so what caused her to change? And above all, why was Clarisse who was deemed to be a newbie in the modeling industry? Isn't that suspicious?"

Her casual questions stopped me from rushing to the office to confront her. She's right. Her words made sense at all. What made her do that?

So, even though I was fuming mad, I kept it all inside and investigated. I have to know what happened to know what actions I should do. I also can't deny the fact that it was her who helped me to achieve what I have right now.

After a couple of minutes, I finally arrived at the agency. I put my sunglasses on and walked inside. Jasmine is already waiting for me there.

"Ms. Monique!" Jasmine said. She then guided me towards Ms. Chua's office. Inside the elevator, there were only two of us standing side by side.

"What is it?" I asked when I felt her uneasy gaze. She discreetly looked around before handing me the envelope she had been holding for quite some time now.

"What's wrong with you? Nothing's here. It's only the two of us."

"We have to make sure that no one will hear us, Ms. Monique. I have finally finished the task you asked me to investigate."

I looked at her and opened the envelope in my hands. Inside are different pictures, including some papers placed inside a small folder. Jasmine briefly explained the contents inside while I was reading it one by one.

I finally understood what was happening. 'So, this is the reason why you did that to me! No wonder! Now, it's time to turn the tables around.'

"Monique, you're finally here! Come, sit down. I have something to talk to you about." Ms. Chua enthusiastically said when I entered the office.

"Why did you call me here, Ms. Chua?"

She placed a blue folder on the table before speaking. "After so many trials, I finally got you this endorsement. I fought so hard for this opportunity for you. Go, have a look."

I read the contents printed on the paper. She's right, it's quite a good endorsement. I almost got tempted by it if only I hadn't read the last part of the paper where the conditions are boldly written.

"Are you freaking kidding me, Ms. Chua?!" I slammed the file back on the table.

"What's with your attitude, Monique?! It's a really good endorsement, so what's your problem?" She angrily exclaimed.

"Are you seriously asking me that? Didn't you read the terms and conditions of this contract?! It says here that part of the pictures to be taken should be naked?! Seriously Ms. Chua! Are you taking me for an idiot?"

"It's just a photo, Monique! It's not like they are asking you to have sex with them. Didn't you know your current situation? No company is willing to use you. When I finally got this brand to say yes, you're showing me this kind of attitude? You should be thankful instead!"

"Ha!" I sarcastically laughed at her words. Seriously, she's taking me like an idiot! "No company would want me? And what did you say? Should I be thankful instead? Well, screw you and that endorsement of yours! Why don't you let Clarisse do that instead!?"

"Clarisse is different from you. She's currently in demand in the industry and her popularity is rising. This lowly brand doesn't suit her."

I threw the envelope Jasmine handed to me a while ago at her, then stood up. "I'll be leaving this company. Sign the termination contract inside and give it to Jasmine. Pay the amount written on it in my bank account if you don't want those things inside the envelope to spread all over the news."

'It is best for me to leave this wretched agency!' With my head held high, I walked out of the company.