
When the car came to a halt in front of the house a man and a woman approached, formally dressed in a tux, and the woman in a neat maids outfit.

"Good evening madam, I presume all went well?" The man asked.

"It did thank you Brandon, please park the Lambo and have the pickup ready tomorrow morning"

"As you wish" He said and took the car around the house.

Cleopatra turned to Quintin, who was surprised at the turn of events.

"Quintin, this young lady is Naomi, I gave her specific instructions to make it as comfortable for you here as possible"

Quintin looked at the woman in the maids outfit, young, cute, pretty, sweet, but above all the same color scheme as Cleopatra, blue eyes, black neat cut hair but shorter, and that tan skin. She could be Cleopatra's sister for all he knew, but Cleopatra didn't refer to her as a sister, instead she said young lady.

Naomi formally tipped her dress, bending a knee, Quintin felt his face get hot, he absolutely did not deserve this type of reception, he's a fucking hobo for pete's sake!

"I uh... Hello"

"Please follow me sir" She said and entered the house, Quintin turned to Cleopatra stunned.


"Just go with her" She laughed.

He paced in quickly after Naomi, fearing he might lose her in this huge house, he caught up to her but his eyes roamed the hallway, it was too fancy for him, way too upper class, the redwood tables, the polished brass chandeliers, the golden clocks, even the silver cutlery placed has ornaments, ornaments only, they weren't even used to eat with.

Naomi stopped at a door and pressed a button against the wall, there was a 'ping' noise then an elevator door opened.

"There's a lift in this house!?" He almost yelled, Naomi giggled entering.

"Miss Cleopatra isn't too fond of stairs" She smiled.

"You don't say?" He asked remembering, if Cleopatra untied the fire escape ladder on that roof to get down? How did she get up in the first place? Must be a werewolf thing.

The elevator 'pinged' again and Naomi turned right down the hallway, Quintin closely followed, again, the hallway sheek, upper class furniture and ornaments, even the paintings on the walls were breath taking, the carpets thick, red, he felt like walking through a castle.

Naomi stopped at a door and opened it, then stood to one side "This is your room sir" She said holding a hand to the open door.

"Please don't call me sir, my name is Quintin"

"Okay mister Quintin"

"No, just Quintin, please"

Her face went uncertain "Quintin" She said slowly.

"Yes, thank you for your kindness Naomi, I appreciate it" He said and smiled, she only smiled back.

Entering the room he started feeling uneasy again, it was large, a luxury sweet, he felt so out of place he didn't even move only looked around.

Behind him Naomi passed and disappeared into the bathroom, he heard the taps open, and water run.

"Um? What are you doing?" He asked, if this was his room, surely she would take a bath somewhere else?

"Preparing your bath si... Miste..." She remained quiet.

Quintin chuckled "Thank you, but that's not necessary, I can do that myse..." He was interrupted when she suddenly came into the room straight at him.

"Now please, I insist, here, let me help you undress" She spoke without hesitation.

"No...!" He wailed defending and she stopped.

"Why not?" She asked confused.

"I can really do 'that' myself!"

She smiled politely "Oh don't worry, I insist" She came at him again but he backed away.

"No please, really, you don't have to" He felt his face red hot, he really didn't want this woman see his skeleton body.

Naomi frowned "But why?"

"That's my question, why do you want to undress me? I'm perfectly capable of doing so myself"

Naomi blankly stared at him, then her smile returned.

"Oh! There's no need to be shy, I have seen a lot of men naked, Miss Cleopatra asked me to make you comfortable, so let me help you, I do this to any guest she asks me to"

Quintin was getting annoyed, she just wouldn't accept no for an answer.

"Naomi, no!" He harshly said, this time her smile went to anger.

"Miss Cleopatra asked me to help you! Why do you resist my kindness!?"

"Seriously!? Do you think? Me, this skin and bone fucking smelling stench infested sewer rat wants a pretty woman like you touching me? It's embarrassing!"

Naomi folded her arms stubbornly, like this he could see she was actually a fairly busty woman, his face got hot again and he turned away.

"Fine then" She hissed "Go" She jerked her head.

Feeling rather stupid he walked around her lifting the blanket, but as he wanted to drop it

"Not! On! The carpet" She stopped him.

"Uh-?" He saw she held her hand to him.

"I don't want that smell on the blanket to rub off on Miss Cleopatra's carpet"

Slowly, lifting the blanket high, he handed it to her. She took a large plastic bag and threw it in.

"You going to throw that away?" He asked, knowing better than any one the true value of a good blanket.

"I will attempt to wash this, if the smell remains, I'll burn it"

It was almost like a funeral to him.

"That poor, well made, thick, warm blanket, it didn't deserve to be burnt" He sadly said, this actually got her to give a short giggle, but she retaliated and put her angry face on again.

"Here" She held another plastic bag out to him "Place those dirty clothes in here"

Quintin took the bag and went into the bathroom, he undressed and placed his old clothes into the bag, then threw the bag out the door.

"No final words for your clothes?" She called.

Quintin grunted "No fuckem, those clingy, smelly old pieces of shit deserves to be burnt" He called back, Quintin heard her slip a laugh again but he also heard her swallow it.

"Stop doing that!" She barked from the bedroom.

He smiled as he climbed into the bath, she was actually such a cutie.

The warmth of the bath felt like it melted away all his sorrow, pain and worries, he just climbed into a pool of heaven.

"Ahh, the first warm bath in five fucking yearslblbll...!" His slice of heaven got blown away by a hand dipping his head under water.

Quintin came up coughing, he rubbed the bubble bath soap from his face and glared at Naomi behind him, who held her hand up and had a expression of total disgust on her face.


"Eew your hair is oily! And feels like Velcro!" She peeped.

Quintin sighed "I yield, do as you wish your Majesty"

Naomi giggled "Yes...!" She stubbornly proclaimed her victory.

"It's a good thing you took a bath first, the clippers would never have cut this barnacle growing on your scalp" She said squirting a fair amount of shampoo on his head, before starting to work it into his hair.

Quintin laughed "That's a good one"

Afterwards she held a large brush up "Permission to scrub your back?"

He only looked at her silently, then bent over to expose his back. Naomi gasped inwardly, he really was only skin and bone, his entire ribcage protruded through his skin, his spine all the way visible till it disappeared into the foam, and there where his ribcage stopped his skin fell in on both sides of his spine, Naomi couldn't believe this man didn't die of kidney failure by now.

"Told you I'm a sewer rat" He said, knowing she was staring by not even looking at her, Naomi twitched and put soap on the brush.

"You shouldn't insult yourself like that" She said starting to scrub his back.

"Pff- squeak" He replied making her giggle again.

"So you do anything Cleopatra ask you to do right?"

"I do"

"As in, anything?"

"Yes, even have sex with the guests on occasions"

"Wow, talk about dedication to your job"

"She pays me well, trust me"

He nodded "Can't argue with that" Then went quiet again.

"She asked me to accommodate you in bed tonight as well"

Quintin burst out with laughter "Oh did she? Thanks but I'll pass"


"Seriously? You're way out of my league Naomi, and besides, you don't want to bang a sewer rat am I right?"

"Oh please, I don't mind, it's about your pleasure not mine" She stubbornly said, he heard that hint of anger again.

"No thanks Naomi, please let's not argue about this as well, I'm embarrassed in front of you"

Naomi rinsed his back then went to stand next to the bathroom mirror

"Here on the sink are clippers and shaving cream, on the basket" She pointed "Fresh clothes for you to sleep in, please enjoy your bath" She said without feeling then left.

Quintin was grateful at the hospitality, but seriously didn't want this much attention, he sighed deeply then sank into the water.


Cleopatra sat drinking a glass of wine when Naomi came storming into the living room, clearly upset.

"Whats wrong?"

"That man is so stubborn, he's denying my kindness at every corner, even refusing my body!" Naomi said folding her arms.

Cleopatra laughed "Give him some time Naomi, he hasn't had any close human contact in five years, the only kindness given to him was the coins given to him by those who pity his situation, that's it"

"But... But that's no reason to push me aside when I'm kind to him?"

"Relax, and just go with it"

"Fine then, but I'm going to sleep next to him tonight, if you don't mind"

"I don't, but why?"

"So he can understand he's not alone anymore"

Cleopatra smiled at her "Don't get attached Naomi, he's going to be made into a weapon soon"

"I won't" She said and left.


Quintin stared at himself in the mirror, he didn't recognize himself without his long hair and thick beard. He stood back and admired the silk nightwear he had on, then smiled "Hello Quintin, long time no see"

Walking back into the bedroom he felt more comfortable now that he was clean, he approached the curtains and drew them open, the house had a view over Johannesburg, it looked amazing from up here.

Quintin could hardly believe he used to scour those streets just hours ago.

The door behind him opened and he turned to it, a shrill ran up his spine when Naomi stood in a one piece night dress, she looked absolutely amazing.

Now being shaved Naomi saw he was good looking despite the fact that he was very skinny. His grey eyes complimented his dark black hair nicely, and this made him semi intimidating since he stood over two meters tall.

"I uh... I..." Quintin slurred.

"Which side of the bed would you prefer to sleep?" She asked.

"What do you mean? Naomi I already..."

"Left or right?" She cut him off as she walked over, Quintin felt like a wave hit him as she came closer, he backed up and hit the window behind him.

"I-! Uh, right I guess!" He said with a wheeze.

Naomi then went to the left side and climbed in.


"Just get in, I won't touch you"


"You're not alone anymore Quintin"

He sighed and slowly came around, carefully opened the blankets so not to accidentally reveal her under there, then he cautiously slipped in, avoiding contact with her.

When he turned the bed lamp off, he felt her turn and her arm came over his torso, holding him tightly.


"Sssh, I'm just going to hold you, relax and go to sleep"

Tired of trying to win against her he closed his eyes, the soft matrass, comfortable pillow and blankets, as well as the warmth of Naomi against him, had him passed out quickly, the first real sleep he got in five years.