Into Angola

There was a light knock on the door but Quintin was already awake, he laid looking at Naomi who slept next to him, he couldn't get over how beautiful she was, laying completely naked, it almost looked like she was smiling.

Quintin closed her up with the blankets and carefully climbed out, got dressed and left the room, outside Cleopatra was waiting for him.

"So?" She asked smiling "How was she?"

Quintin's face went red "I still can't explain her she's, gorgeous for a lack of better words"

Cleopatra nodded "I'd like to thank you in advance, Naomi was my little black sheep. She's odd, always following my orders to the book, but never doing anything for her self.

You were the first step she ever took to a social life, and thanks to that, she might rank up"

"Rank up?"