Cleopatra's true colors

Naledi opened her eyes when she heard the birds chirping outside, like an alarm clock from nature.

The inside of the Ratel looked much bigger now that she was back in her human form, but now so, she was completely naked, not that she cared what the four men would say, she's been doing this for a long time now, and got used to people seeing her without clothes.

She sat up, the bandages Piet dressed her with was now loose on her, and hard with blood. With her left arm she felt her right shoulder, there was no arm, it didn't grow back after all.

Her hand explored her right side, the scar ran from the bottom of her ribcage, missing her right breast just, her back had some of it, and then the scar would run up her neck and disappear under her grey black hair.

Her whole right upper body basically a white patch against her dark tanned skin. Naledi's face didn't heal up as well, there where her cheek was supposed to be, she could feel her teeth through a hole in her skin 'Fuck'