The wolves, the cat, and the Buzzard

The sudden explosion sent Naomi's pack in tatters, body parts, knocked out wolves and dirt rose into the air at the crack of thunder.

It caught everyone by surprise but also triggered the brutal clash of claws and canines.

Naomi moved aside to allow her pack to attack first, so she could asses her new foe closely.

Quintin tore at very body blindly and was making short work of them but Naomi saw only an animal and knew she still had the upper hand, him being a mindless beast, her being a thinking monster, she smiled but her assessment was quickly short lived.

Through the smoke of the explosion appeared something that made her realise all odds were against her now.


So high in the air the sound of it's engines couldn't reach the ground the Rooivalk hovered calmly, easily held there by Frits in the pilot seat, Koos who sat in the gunner seat had eyes on Quintin.

"He's facing them alone, either those other wolves are cowards or he told them to stay back" Koos said.