Wrath of the Queen

Cleopatra still strolled around Naomi thinking when she flicked their fingers.

Two Anubis men came and took her by her arms then walked with her down the hall of the catacombs, but instead of turning left at a point towards the dungeons, they turned right, towards the sacrificial chambers.

Cleopatra followed close behind, when Naomi realised where they were headed she started to resist, kicking back and struggling but the men overpowered her.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked not wanting to accept it.

"Silence, you know where this leads" Cleopatra said.

They entered a large room with a stone altar in the centre, the men strapped Naomi down in the belts that were nailed into the rock, she fought vigorously against it but was useless.

Cleopatra came and placed a silver choker around her neck, like a leash it was tied to the altar by a long chain.