Blind date

"Go dive off a bridge you lowlife easy kill! Then I hope you land balls first on the rocks below!" Luna sneered at Koos.

Michael and Dianne glanced at her, then grunted struggling not to laugh. Koos Piet and Frits on the other hand balled with laughter.

"Can you believe the foul words coming out of this little Barbie's mouth?" Koos yelled slapping his knee.

Luna smiled slightly "Stop laughing, I'm still not going to talk"

"Well we have a long way ahead of us, you'll come round eventually and even if you don't, well just blow that ship out of the water"

"Why? It won't matter, Blair's story is just her history, why not ask me something about Cleopatra instead?" Luna asked.

"Very well, then tell us?"

"Cleopatra had a slight weakness, and that was water, if the sand she uses got blasted with a large amount of water it would get heavy and she'd have to use more of her energy to manipulate it, wearing her out.