What lies within

"It's not that easy cat boy, it's not just loyalty, it's duty, respect, bloodline, I can't just give it up.

And besides, if I join you, you still don't stand a chance against her, trust me you have no idea how powerful she is" Kishra said and snickers one last time.

Quintin played with the bottle in his hand, then wove it at the waitress to bring him another.

"Where on earth will I find someone who can aid me... I mean" He looked at her "You're not too bad Kishra, I'm actually, strange but true, enjoying your company even if we're supposed to be enemies"

"Don't start soft mouthing me, I'm not as easy to break as Naomi"

"I realised that when we met earlier"

The Waitress brought another bottle and he opened it.

"So? Since we can't come to an agreement about Cleopatra, you want to go have sex instead?" He asked her making her eyes widen.

"That was bold"

Quintin was drinking hard on the beer, his eyes even teared up, then gasped when he stopped.