Blind rage

Quintin was boiling over as his anger reached new levels, Kishra knew with him there he'd have no choice but to kill this girl, her sense of humor was sickening.

"You think this is a game!? I have no words for you anymore! I know I can't defeat you! But I swear! Even if it costs me my life I will fucking try!" He screamed and charged her.

In a flash Kishra was up into the air, avoiding Quintin's flying kick which ended up destroying the chair behind her.

Kishra landed behind him and kicked the girl up, forcing him to catch her, but as he did Kishra kicked the both of them back and they hit a wall, making the wounded girl scream in agony.

"Now you're really pissing me off!" He yelled setting the girl down and coming at her again swinging, but she avoided every blow effortlessly, he turned and kicked but she caught his foot and swung him by it, throwing him into a poker table.