Soft side of the Saber

The desert evening was beautifully hued in pink, no real wind was blowing so it was still as hot as always.

Quintin and Katja sat on a dune looking at the sunset, he heard her sigh making him peek over in her direction.

Katja's face was dreamy, a soft smile with semi squinted eyes.

"You thinking of something?" He asked and she only looked with her eyes.

"It's so beautiful here, it's kinda romantic"

He looked out at the horizon where the sun has already set, the pink started to take on a more orange color "Yeah, it is pretty"

"Did you and Naomi sit here watching the sunset?"

He shook his head "No, we didn't get moments like this"

"Do you miss her?"

He thought of how Naomi glared at him back in Angola, then what Kishra said about her sacrificing herself for him.

"I'm not sure how I feel about her Katja, I think, I'll just let it go, it hurts too much"

She looked at him as he now stared into the sky "Hurt?"