To Tanzania

Ezbar was silent for a second "It, it might be Naomi"

"Brilliant! We want to go ourselves but the Ratel is not suited for this situation"


"It's on mount Kilimanjaro"

Koos heard Ezbar laugh "What would she be doing there!?"

"Fuck knows, you have to send Quintin!"

"Quintin barley survived against Naomi, barely survived against Kishra, what do you think his chances are against three of them!?"

"Then!? Make more of those cats man!"

"You idiot! You think I can just roll sabers off like I'm a factory with a production line!? This takes years of work! And it's not like I can go to any one and ask 'Hey? Are you interested in becoming a sabertooth cat? Then go risk your life fighting werewolves!?' No Koos! It doesn't work like that!"

Koos bellowed with anger jumping up and down in the kitchen, Frits, Piet and Naledi came in the doorway to see why he was making so much noise.