Fenrir pack

Quintin and Katja nearly had a heart attack when the two white wolves landed in front of them, they were big enough to make the ground tremor slightly under their feet.

"Oh shit!" Quintin yelled holding his hands up "Fuck we come in peach! I mean we come in peace shit fuck!!" He squealed.

"Who are you!?" The large male roared, their emerald green eyes piercing them like gunshots and Katja shrieked backing in behind Quintin again.

The female drew the male back snarling "I don't care of their names! My question is what! Are you!?"

"Fuck! Not enemies I fucking promise!" Quintin squealed kicking his own ass for not being in his saber form right now, curse his fucking hormones!

"You have the wolf smell! But it's not that, you're different!" She said exposing her canines.

The male tucked her back again "Are you that cat that helped the wolves in Angola?"

"Yes! That's me!"

"Then what are you doing here!?"

"Looking for Cleopatra!"