Cat burglar

Koos found himself in a small conference room with his men, Siegfried placed glasses down and poured them vodka.

Koos pointed "Smirnoff?"

"Of course, why buy low grade when you don't have to" Siegfried said moving a glass over to Marisha.

"This is great! I really started liking vodka" Piet said.

"You three also turn to alcohol as a salvation it seems, was it the war in Angola?"

"Yes" Koos said gulping the tumbler glass away "You boys here in Russia could use some bigger glasses though"

Siegfried laughed "You drink like a soldier that's for sure, but that vodka is supposed to be enjoyed slowly" He said pouring him another glass.

"Let's just get down to business!" Marisha said but Siegfried gave her another glare making her turn away.

"I like this Marisha, she's straightforward" Koos said and she turned her icy glare at him.

Siegfried talked to her in Russian "The enemy of my enemy is my friend Marisha"