The kill site

When Phillip eventually stepped out of Anna's cabin the storm had died down. He walked up to Benson's cabin and entered finding the two men now socialising over some whiskey, Suzette sat one side with her own, but her smile that came to him told him she made a plan to have Simmons and Benson hook conversation.

"So, I take it she talked?" Benson asked.

Phillip nodded and looked at Suzette "She asked me a question, but you need to understand it's for the sake of my father"

"She asked you to fuck her!?"

"What!? No! She asked me to accompany her tonight"

"Oh, that all? Then that's okay" She yawned "I need some rest anyway"

He smiled and gave her a kiss.

"For now, let's go look at that campsite Benson" He said and the stocky man stood up.

"Excellent, I'll get the needed guys together" Benson said taking his phone out.