Into the dark

Phillip gave Benson half the magazines and ammo he had left for his AK, at least they had two rifles and the revolver which somehow made them feel more at ease.

Phillip also had a few claymores and settle charges left and took it with. The road leading to the parking in the woods were event less, no movement, no noises or voices, it almost felt like the witch allowed them to come.

They got to the parking where the sign said 'McCarthy ahead, only accessible via snowmobile' and there they waited, keeping the Jeep running for the heaters.

"I have a bad feeling about this Phill" Benson said watching the cold outside.

"No shit Benson, the only way we'll make this work is if you follow my instructions to the letter"

"Okay? I take it you have a plan?"

"Yes, you stay in front of me at all times"

"In front!! Why me!?"