The undying flower

'I have you both now... It was never my intention to target Benson, frankly, he would be too easy... To crack'

"Fuck! Who's that!?" Benson yelled.

"That's her you imbecile! Isn't it fokkin obvious!?"

"What the fuck does she mean I wasn't her target!?"

"You heard her! You'll just go crazy much quicker!"

"So you lead me to my death...!"

'The wolf... That normal one you saw in the cabin... That was your test Benson, and you proved to me you have a weak mind, a strong minded person like Phillip wouldn't have seen it'

"Fuck you! You fucking bitch!" Benson yelled, Phillip dove down just in time as Benson started firing the AK in all directions.

"Benson stop!" Phillip yelled "She's screwing with you!"

Benson stopped shooting, the empty cartridges still clinked on the wooden floor. Then the sounds of the wolves outside started escalating again.

The witch laughed 'Now they know, where you are'