The great wolves

"Okay, I suppose we can hang tight here for a few hours then move, they will eventually find us" Frits said checking a map "Piet come here quick"

The two men stood in front of the map and Frits pointed.

"This is the Yungas road, Koos chose this camping spot so we're close to it, it's our escape route should shit go down"

"Okay, it looks whindy, is it a mountain pass?"

"Yes sort of, but this will be an ultimate test of your driving skills Piet, it's nicknamed the road of death"

Koos saw Aesir look at the two men with a worried face, then her light blue eyes moved to him, he smiled at her but she mumbled behind the tape. He came over and ripped it off her face making her first wince.

"You three seriously think you can escape using El Camino de la Muerte? You're crazy pendego! It's suicide!"