A game changer

"What about a nuke!?" Piet asked making Kishra frown at him.

"Even a bullet can kill Cleopatra you idiot! The question is if you can get her to fucking stand still!"

"Then that's were you come in" Koos said.

"What?" She asked "Are you considering me as part of some plan you have?"

"Only if you agree, you don't even have to turn against your mother, just, like a favour that's all?"

Kishra folded her arms "Oh? And if I do this? What then?"

"Then we can stop Cleopatra... But, we have to kill her then"

"I thought you said everyone deserves a chance?" Asena asked.

"Yes, this was actually plan B, plan A is not really coming together nicely"

"Okay? Then explain these plans you have?" Kishra asked.

"Plan A, we manage to talk Cleopatra into surrendering her evil ways and stop what she's doing"

Kishra burst out with laughter "And Plan B?"

Both Koos and Frits looked at Piet, who shrugged "We nuke the bitch"