He talked about me?

"Well, there's only one way to find out then right?" Kisara said looking at Guinevere and she nodded.

"What?" Kara asked when they looked at her again.

"I take you to him" Guinevere said.

"Seriously? I barely know him!"

"You and him clicked, Cate said she saw it" Guinevere said but Kara decided she had enough of this interrogation and folded her arms.

"Then what's the deal with you two then?"

They frowned suddenly being in the spotlight.

"How do you know him?"

Guinevere held her arms up and drew her sweater sleeves back, exposing her scars "He saved my life"

Kara cringed at the scars, they were not from knives "Saved you?"

"I accidentally fell into a glass recycling bin, and he pulled me out before I bled out"

Kara shrilled "Glass, that must have felt awful"

"It was, trust me"