How fate works

Luna stood in front of the microwave oven as she waited for the meat to defrost, so Kara's wolf sparked through him hey? It confirmed her suspicions about Derrick, because Kara is an Amarok, only another Amarok can awaken her wolf like that, if it was any other guy, nothing would have happened.

Luna sighed and looked up, how fate has a weird way of bringing those two together after all these years, she wondered how Kara will respond if she told her they were in the same room together as newborns. Now though the question remained, if two Amarok's ever had a child? What rank would he or she be? What is the next level?

Sasha and Shakira slowly came into the room where Kara sat still with her hands in her lap, Sasha saw how red her face was and saw the posture she had with her hands.

"You wanna go pee?"

"No!" Kara hissed.

Sasha smiled "You're horny aren't you!?"

"Fuck off Sasha!"

Sasha threw herself onto the bed next to her.