Saved again

Fuck!" Derrick yelled at the hiss behind his ears, he turned to face her quickly, there were four of these elongated gaps in the tower, one on each side, and she already made her way to the one closest to him, the claw came through but he kicked himself away from it.

Like a game of cat and mouse this went on for several minutes until he saw the latch in the floor leading down the tower, he opened it and slid in, sliding down the steel ladder and hitting the floor.

When he saw the wooden double doors down there he realized they stood no chance against her and vigorously started climbing the ladder again, using only his hands, knowing that wolf would have heard the thud from his landing below.

He made it to the latch just in time to hear the doors below blast open, the roar came up the tower like a gust of wind, he was out the latch, through the narrow window when the wooden floor just below the bell exploded.

Derrick lept without choice.