Cry to ye beloved life

She stood waiting for him to turn to her again, as he did his smirk pissed her off even further.

"Oh? Up for more you scarred dog?"

The pose he had, she copied it, his hands next to him, his feet at shoulder width then she clenched her fists and her one blue eye glowed brightly, Jack felt a strange sensation in his body, he couldn't move and it went cold all of a sudden.

"Ye know, bloodeye, the human body consist o sixty percent water, it's a shame in ye case I'm afraid" Alice smiled wickedly seeing him shake trying hard to move.

"What's going on!? Why can't I move!?"

Alice lifted her arms forward and pretended to clutch a sword with both hands, Jack saw his body move the same way and clutched his sword.

"Do ye realize what be happenin pup?" She asked and laughed slowly.

"You! Truly are a witch! A siren!"

She shifted her palms and he did the same, the sword in his hands shifted into the opposite direction now aiming at his chest.