First pack house

Luna sat forward in her seat "Slow down a little" She asked looking around.

"Are we close? Because all I see is desert?" Kishra said.

"It always looks different because the desert sands always shift... There!" She pointed at a light that came out of the dark far down the beach, Kishra found the cement path almost covered in sand and turned onto it. It was about three hundred meters down where they stopped at a large beach house just shy of the breach of the waves.

"What is this place ma?" Sasha asked as they climbed out.

"This is where my mother dropped me as a baby, it was my first pack house"

Sasha gasped "Really!? But the lights are on? Are there members here?"

Luna nodded and walked around to the beach side porch, on it an old man sat rocking in a chair, a glass of whiskey in his hand, he at first didn't see Luna so she slowly approached.

"P... Pappa?"

The man shook turning to her "Luna?"

"Yes pappa it's me"