Cant play fair anymore

Kara stood up, her heart pounded in her chest 'He's alive!' Her inner wolf wanting to burst out of this house and just run to him, run as far as she needs to! She had to be with him!

"Sit down Kara" Luna said and she shook out of her thoughts "A death awakened wolf is merely a wolf, an animal, basically an abomination.

The human side just a shell now, sure he'll remember everything, but his wolf is the one who controls him, at day, and moonless nights the wolf sleeps and rests, that's the only time he's as close to being a human as possible, but when the moon comes, the animal surfaces"

"But I like them both!" Kara said.

"It's difficult Kara, his heart now consumed with hate, that's the last feeling he had as a human, he's not the same person anymore"

Kara trembled, she refused to accept it, all she needed to do was get to him, she knows he'll remember her, he will calm at the sight of her!