You pass

Perks of being werewolves the Del Carchetore pack caught up rather quickly, Every day Kishra would take them to jog, then after that teach them to fight, as two weeks went by the results were clear as the moon.

Luna could now fight with Kishra toe to toe, the younger ones still couldn't beat her but at least they lasted longer than the first time.

Kara has finally fully awakened and stood higher on her bipedal paws than anyone there, a true Fenrir in her own right, but what worried Kishra about her was that occasional glance to the horizon Kara gave each night.

"You... You want to go to him don't you?" She asked after they finished their shift for the start of the night.

"Its only on the moon" Kara answered "Maybe, I don't know but its as if I feel his presence"

"I have to warn you Kara, because he woke you its technically said he owns you now" Kishra said.

"Owns me? But that doesn't matter since I want to be with him anyways right?"