Pent up feelings

The three girls were the quickest to run in under the nets, but when they rose to see what stood there their mouths fell open.

Two large airplanes, one so big it dwarfed the other, but the smaller plane sporting four propellers was clearly set up for purpose and the girls saw it instantly.

"Are those guns!?" Guinevere yelled running to the large barrel at the far back "Is this a fucking cannon!?"

"Ladies, this is a Hercules C-130 gunship, nowhere will you find an airplane with more firepower than this in the world" Koos said brushing its side.

"Its ours!?" Kisara asked.

"Yes, you'll be the eye in the sky for our last mission, and of course provide us with much needed air support"

"Wait wait, who will fly it!?"

Koos and his men smiled nodding at Shakira.

"Me!? I can't even drive a car yet!?"

"Captain Frits will be giving you training"

"What's the bigger one for?" Kishra asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"