The email

Early the next morning Koos joined his men but the vibe was off, they all stood in a group outside the Ratel and glares expressed the men.

"Don't tell me you two had a problem with me screwing Kishra!?" He asked getting out of the Land Rover.

"No! Fok! You can go screw a baboon for all I care! Listen to this message Piet just got on his email!" Frits yelled and played the message.

"Hey little brother, listen, things here in Alaska went south fast, there is this witch here, and..." The heard an explosion on the background "I don't have much time, listen Piet, she screws with your head, she changes people into wolves through a kiss, don't let her fuck with you if you decide to come, I'm sending this as a heads up, but in reality, I don't want you to come, love you Pietie"

The note ended.

"Piet–Pompies!' over here never read his email Koos! Fokkin never! This mail was sent seventeen years ago during the time we helped Phillip get to Alaska!"