Guarding this place?

Piet got his AA12 out again and loaded it with buckshot, then scaled the slope down to the mound. Getting closer he felt a strange sensation coming from it, as if it was alive, this spelled trouble, it's obviously a trap, but what would he spring if he stepped on it? He looked back up the glacier... To lead someone off the path? Was it purely because of the need to hunt? Or was it to distract someone from something else?

There was only one way to be sure, Piet scaled the slope again until he reached the road, his eyes on the glacier, it was easy to climb, and the entire color, shape, the way it was frozen over, seemed different from the glaciers in the surroundings.

"Odd? I'm no geographical expert, but didn't some science bloke see this before?" He asked himself as he brushed over the glacier, he could keep his mind focused better if he kept talking to himself, it was one of his ways of coping with stress and confusion.