I will help you

Amarinth felt his hands exploring her back, she didn't care, if she could get joy out of these last moments he was human she'd allow him to feel, allow him to touch.

But to her surprise nothing happened, he didn't grunt, didn't squirm, or roar, he didn't do anything accept caress her gently, seeping her in.

She stopped her kiss and drew her head back, he laid there smiling, as if he knew that nothing was going to happen.

"I, don't understand?" She said.

"You can't turn me into a wolf this way woman! It's going to take a full bite for that!" He grabbed her by her neck lifting her into the air as he stood up.

"Mistake!? I don't make mistakes! I knew shooting you would be impossible, your shadow element allows you to evade firearms, so I had to lure you in, so I can physically wring the life out of you with my bare hands!"