Something to talk about.

Koos took Caynine by his jaw and jerked his head forward "Eyes off Einstein, don't get any ideas!"

Caynine shook his head away "What are you talking about!? What ideas!?" He yelled.

Koos rubbed his beard then walked to the three girls, who's eyes grew again.

"Uh, Koos, I'm sorry...!" Kisara said but Koos held his hand up.

"Congratulations, you did it" He said and the three frowned at him.

"You're not angry at us?"

"I would have been more angry if one of you died" He said digging in his pocket, he held his hand out to Kisara "Here"

She opened her hand and Koos placed a pin badge in her hand, it had the form of a knife colored yellow, with a small red lightning bolt running through it. Koos gave Guinevere and Shakira one as well.

"That is the insignia for task force, you can pin it to your uniforms, congratulations, you are now officially qualified"