Kara's revenge

Seth leered at Derrick "Are you that daft? I said do not defend them, they must choose to join Jasper or die"

"For what!? What is the great idea behind joining Jasper!? As far as I know everyone has the right to free will" Derrick said.

Seth smiled "Oh, yes, I forgot to inform you" He held his hands open "You are now a werewolf, what do you think humans will do if they discover you?"

"Run away scared"

"Panic, unrest, they will freak out, you see werewolves are misunderstood, they won't come to the agreement that we have control over ourselves, to them we are mindless beasts out for blood"

"Which is the truth"

"Is it!? You are capable of having this conversation with me aren't you?"

"Just a few days ago I tore this farm apart! I woke up the next morning vomiting blood and flesh! I don't remember how I managed to consume it! I, was, a mindless, beast"

Luna looked at this black wolf, then frowned "Derrick?"