Release him

Blair sat up when the doors opened and to her relief she saw Wolfe bring in Jeremy.

"You found him?" She asked making Jeremy's eyes grow.

"You can talk!?"

"No, you can understand me" Blair said.

"Blair, it's true, I was the one who bit him, and, well..."

"Let's just say I'm not hating you Wolfe, but I'd rather not be this thing if you know what I mean?" Jeremy said and looked at Blair "Are you really a Cherokee shaman?"

Blair tipped her head "No, not exactly, but, I can't help you like I helped Wolfe, uh..."

"So you really did give him control over the wolf?"

"It's yet to be tested, but as far as my knowledge goes, yes is the answer"

"Why can't you help me?" Jeremy sounded angry.

"It's, because he bit you, it's hard to explain, but we classify you as a human wolf now, not a wolf that came from the Astral plain"