Tsul 'Kalu

Blair stood easy, hiding somewhat behind a tree, Wolfe just finished his shift into a werewolf and was grunting profoundly, but showed no signs of rage, or mindlessness.

"Wolfe?" She asked semi dipping behind the tree.

He looked up at her, then grunted again "I, I can see through the rage... I have control, this is, amazing!" He said standing up.

"Thank goodness" She said coming out of hiding, but he chuckled.

"You know, being what you are, why hide?"

"I didn't want to risk having to kill you" She smiled.

"Well, I, I'm glad it's over, glad for Jeremy, is this what they consider a dream come true?" He asked but his ears rose.

"What do you hear?" She asked seeing his eyes dart into the distance.

"A, maddened scream, someone is mindlessly, screaming and he's coming closer" Wolfe said standing ready.

Blair also started hearing it "He's, he's really shrieking, what could possibly make someone scream at full lung like that?"