Bear beast

Blair and Wolfe basically slept the day away, the both of them not keen on setting off after these creatures, and both figured it's best to wait for Maikah on the next moon.

When it was finally out Wolfe shifted into a werewolf again, Blair watched him closely during this time, she somehow liked seeing his structure double it's size like that, his muscles bulge in his skin, she stared hazily not realizing he saw her.

"Uhm, is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, why?"

"You had one of those dreamy stares on me again?"

Blair blinked, she felt her face warm up again and turned away "I apologize, I, couldn't help"

Wolfe felt self-conscious now that she said that, shying away as his face warmed up under his fur "I, know my transformation is different from yours, I hear my bones crackle and pop, my skin stretch, it must be sickening, next time I'll go somewhere alone"